
Toyota’s brand is ringing in the world, cars are running on the roads equal to the population of India!

Do you know how many around the world cars Is it…if not then today we will unveil this mystery. Cars are used for transportation all over the world. But the car is not just for commuting. Cars are emotions, memories…pride. Sitting in your car, you go to your office every day, go on picnics with friends and even out stations with family, in such a situation it is very important to know the number of cars in the whole world.

Number of cars 1.446 billion

The world’s population is 8 billion, while by 2023 the number of cars worldwide will reach 1.446 billion. 1 billion is equal to 100 crores. This means that 1.446 billion will be equal to 144.6 crores. Whereas the population of India is 1.486 billion. This means that there are as many cars in the world as the population of India.

Which country has the most cars?

If we talk about which country has more cars, then generally people will take the name of America as the answer, but the reality is different.. China has the highest number of cars in the world. China which is one of the largest markets and car manufacturers.

largest car selling company

Talking about the company that sells the most cars, Toyota Motor Corporation is a company that manufactures and sells the largest number of cars in the world. Last year i.e. in 2023, Toyota sold 11.2 million vehicles. But if we talk about revenue, then according to the data till 2024, Volkswagen Group is at the forefront in terms of revenue.

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