
Toxic parenting can ruin children’s childhood, check your habits

Parenting Tips

Children remain unnecessarily scared at home

Children’s childhood is a time when they are sometimes treated with loving care and sometimes with strict attitude from their parents. But sometimes the mistakes made by parents affect the tender minds of children. In many homes, children remain unnecessarily scared. They fear that if anything like a glass falls in the house, they will get a severe scolding from their parents. Actually, this behavior of parents is a reflection of their mood, in such a situation the mental development of children gets affected and they start living in fear.

A few more comments instead of encouragement

Do you also take children’s achievements lightly and instead of encouraging them, make some comments or start imposing too many expectations, then in reality this habit of yours can ruin the lives of children because it makes them believe that They always cause disappointment to their parents

signs of toxic parenting

Talking about the signs of toxic parenting, many parents force their children to be honest all the time if they do not want to share their feelings and even make them feel guilty if the children do not share some of their feelings. If done, many times the parents share their thoughts with their relatives too, in which they do not find anything wrong. But the child understands that their words may give their parents an opportunity to scold them, so they are afraid to say anything.

Raising children in a toxic environment

In raising children in a toxic environment, parents talk about their child’s failures and shortcomings all the time and, in most cases, they comment on their child’s appearance. This inadvertently creates an inferiority complex in their children. Whereas if you do not give children the freedom to do something new, then they will be afraid of doing anything new.

not allowed to go out

You want your children to be successful in their career but they do not care about it, like if it is necessary for the child to go out to make a career but you do not allow him to go out, he should understand that successful children are dependent on the parents. guarantee a better life for

Never make the mistake of considering children as objects.

Many times, parents give many instructions to children, that is, they start imposing so many expectations on them that they take the steps that they are told, but when they fail, you make the child completely responsible instead of yourself, which is This is very wrong. Never make the mistake of considering children as objects.

Don’t want to let the kids go out

Many parents help their children go out and live their own lives. But some parents never want to let their children go. They also always express that the place where they are living, the house, money and food is theirs. In such cases, any views of the children are ignored and they are expected to remain obedient.

Appeal for cooperation but do not exploit

Some parents keep making their children do many tasks. Raise your voice on every small thing, like keep flour in the fridge or bring vegetables. As long as you keep bringing it, it’s fine, but when they refuse, you get angry. In such a situation, children wonder whether they can actually do their work. But any refusal causes resentment. In such a situation, children start wondering how a refusal turns into anger. Therefore, appeal to the children for cooperation but do not exploit them.

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