
Top 6 Color-Coded Sites Of India: These 6 cities of India are identified with different colors

color coded cities of india

Top Color-Coded Indian Sites: Every city of India has its own different style. Some cities here are identified by colors. Let us know about those places.


Jodhpur, Blue City

Jodhpur is an important historical and cultural place of Rajasthan. It is also known as the “Blue City”.


Why is Jodhpur known as Blue City?

You must be wondering why Jodhpur is known as Blue City, then let us tell you that all the houses here are blue in color.


Nagpur, Orange City

Nagpur, known as Orange City, is famous all over the world. Nagpur is known as the Orange City because most of the oranges are cultivated here.


Udaipur, White City

Udaipur is known as White City. The beautiful lakes and lush green forests here attract people.


There are many palaces in Udaipur which are made of white marble. This is the reason why this city is called white city.

brown city

Jaisalmer Brown City

Jaisalmer is called the Brown City of India. This place is famous all over the world for its specialty. This is the second city of Rajasthan, which is also a World Heritage Site.

green city

Thiruvananthapuram, Green City

The beautiful valleys of Thiruvananthapuram, known as the Green City of India, are famous all over the world.


Silver City, Cuttack

Cuttack city located in Orissa, India is known as Silver City. Cuttack is called Silver City because silver and brass work is done here.

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