
Top 10 Best Tourist Places In world: 10 tourist places in the world

Top 10 Best Tourist Places In world: Board exams are almost over. In such a situation, between the examination and the result, many students have the desire to travel. Be it a hill station or a wild safari, you can definitely go somewhere. A lot of new things can be learned, learned and understood from this. You should also know about 10 major and unique tourist places of the world, which everyone wants to see once. You may not be able to visit these places right now, but you should know about them.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

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Angkor Wat

This temple located in Cambodia is one of the largest temples in the world. It was built in the 12th century for Suryavarman II. This temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, but now Buddhism has a strong influence here. This temple spread over 8 lakh 20 thousand square meters was included in the World Heritage Site by UNESCO in the year 1992. Situated on the banks of Mikang River, this temple has a special place in the world from historical point of view. These remains of the national symbol of the Khmer Empire still surprise scientists, historians and tourists in terms of architecture. Such is the importance of this temple that the picture of this temple is also on the national flag of Cambodia. Apart from Angkor Wat temple, there are many other things worth seeing in this beautiful country.

Great Barrier Reef, Australia

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the great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is located off the Queensland coast of northeastern Australia, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This is the most favorite place in the world for sea lovers and diving enthusiasts. People coming here can do scuba diving, aircraft or helicopter tour, boating, cruise ship tour as well as see the fun of whales and dolphins underwater through glass bottom boat view. The world’s largest coral reef is found in the Great Barrier Reef. It is a group of about 3000 individual coral reefs. It is spread over 3,47,800 square meters. You will be surprised to know that it is bigger than the Great Wall of China. More than 1,500 species of fish and marine creatures live in this area of ​​coral reef.

The Great Wall of China, China

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The Great Wall of China

When Chinese rulers started building walls to protect themselves from tribal attackers from the north, the Great Wall of China was completed. This thousands of kilometers long wall is the largest construction work done by humans in the world. In the year 1987, it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This fortified wall is made of mud and stones, which was built by various rulers of China from the 3rd century BC to the 16th century (Ming dynasty). Various parts of this wall were built by the rulers of this period. If all the parts of this wall are connected then the length of this wall reaches 21 thousand kilometers. Often, looking at the pictures available on the internet, you might think that this wall remains empty, but in reality a large number of tourists come here every day. However, a large part of it is in poor condition due to natural and human damage.

Machu Picchu, Peru

machu picchu peru
Machu Picchu

This is a symbol of the Inca civilization in the Andes mountains of South America. This is a relic more than 500 years old. The sudden disappearance of the Inca civilization still remains a mystery. There are 216 buildings made of stone in Machu Picchu, which are connected by stairs. Building all this at an altitude of 2,360 meters must have been challenging. UNESCO has included it in the World Heritage Site. This is an important historical site of South America. It is believed that the Incas built Machu Picchu in the year 1430, but a hundred years after its construction, when Spain conquered the Incas, the Incas left this place. Since then the local people knew about this place. It came before the world when American historian Hiram Bingham discovered it in 1911 and proposed to develop it as a tourist destination.

Grand Canyon, America

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Grand Canyon

As soon as you reach the Grand Canyon, you see the geological journey of the Earth spanning billions of years. The Grand Canyon is 450 kilometers long and its vertical depth is more than 1,800 meters. Actually, the Grand Canyon was formed due to the continuous friction of the Colorado River over millions of years. This is a narrow valley formed by the Colorado River flowing through the US state of Arizona. This valley is mostly surrounded by the Grand Canyon National Park, which was one of the first national parks in America. This valley is 446 kilometers long and 6000 feet deep. Tourists also enjoy many types of water sports in the Colorado River flowing here. Tourists also get the facility of airplane to see this huge valley. Being a huge natural wonder, the Grand Canyon is one of the biggest tourist centers of America.

Vaadhu Island, Maldives

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Vaadhu Island

Often you might imagine the stars descending to the ground. Not on land, but there is definitely a place on earth where stars are visible in the water every night. There is a sea of ​​stars in Vaadhu Island of Maldives. Actually, this happens because of sea stars phytoplankton. A special type of cell is present in their membrane, which produces blue light. This gives the feeling of thousands of stars shining in the sea. This is the reason why it is called Sea of ​​Stars. This place is completely flat and is counted among the flattest surfaces in the world. Due to this, optical illusion also arises here. The view of this island at night looks no less than heaven.

Mystery Spot, California

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mystery spot

There are some places on earth where the effect of gravity is greatly reduced. There is one such place in Santa Cruz, California, where the principle of gravity does not work properly in a circular area of ​​150 meters square. This place was discovered in the year 1939. This place is also called mystery spot. Here incidents like water flowing upwards instead of downwards, magnetic compass not working properly can be seen. Here you can stand straight at any angle without falling. You will be surprised to know that even animals are afraid of coming to this area. Due to lack of gravity, one can easily walk on the wall here.

Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa Italy 1
Leaning Tower of Pisa

This tower is in the small city of Pisa in Italy. There are many buildings around it, which are straight and this crooked building among them looks very surprising. The construction of this Leaning Tower of Pisa started in the year 1173, but it took 200 years to complete this tower. Its creator was Bonanno Pisano. Actually, an attempt was being made to build a grand building in Pisa. But only 12 years after the construction of the minaret started, it became clear that it was becoming crooked, but by then 3 out of 8 floors had been built. From then till today, this tower has been saved with great care from collapse. Earlier the beauty of this city was not that much, but ever since people from all over the world started coming to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa, this city has changed a lot. Its height is 55 meters. Its walls are about 4 feet thick at the base and there are 300 steps to climb up. When seen from the top of the tower, the view of the city of Pisa and the sea appears very beautiful.

Gondola boat ride in Venice, Italy

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Gondola Boat Ride in Venice

Even today in Venice, Italy, the Gondola boat is the pride of the city. This is a place in Europe where the world is completely different. The biggest specialty of Venice city is that you will not see two-wheelers, three-wheelers or four-wheelers here, because there are no roads in Venice. The only means of transport in this city is Gondola, which is a type of boat. A Gondola is a boat with a long tip, in which the boatman stands on one side and steers the boat. This is the special identity of Venice. Now modern boats also run along with Gondola. The area of ​​Venice city, formed by connecting 118 islands, is 415 square kilometers. The experience of water swimming here is always full of thrill.

Eiffel Tower, France

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Eiffel Tower

It is everyone’s dream to get a photo clicked in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It was built on the occasion of the centenary of the French Revolution. On January 26, 1887, the foundation of the Eiffel Tower in Paris was laid. It took two years to build it. It was named Eiffel Tower after the French engineer Gustave Eiffel who built it. According to the plan of that time, it was allowed to remain in Paris only for 20 years and was to be demolished after the deadline was met in the year 1909, but in 20 years the popularity of the tower grew such that it had to be demolished. The idea was scrapped. The special thing is that when the first radio broadcast took place in France in 1921, it was used as a radio tower. This is a special place for tourists from all over the world.

Written by-Vivekananda Singh

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