
Time Capsule: This thing came out of the ground of the shopping mall that was closed for years.

Time Capsule: Richland Shopping Mall in Forest Acres area of ​​South Carolina, America was closed for years. Preparations are being made to demolish it and construct a new building. During the demolition of this old mall, the workers found a time capsule. Its pictures are going viral on social media.

will be buried again

Forest Acres City Councilman, Stephen Oliver has recently shared an interesting post on social media regarding this. In the caption of the post, Stephen has written that a small treasure has been found from Richland Mall. This time capsule is safe and will be buried in the new Forest Acres Park behind the mall.

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Sparked an interesting discussion on the internet

According to the post shared by the Forest City Acres councilman, this strange thing is a time capsule of Richland Mall and Center. It was laid on 20 January 2000 AD and will be opened on 20 January 2033 AD. Let us tell you that Richland Mall is closed for the general public and demolition work is going on in it. In this process, an interesting and mysterious box in the form of a time capsule has been found, which has sparked an interesting discussion on the internet.

What is a time capsule?

Time capsule or time container is a box or container with the help of which information related to the present world can be sent to the future or another world. For example, if someone wants to convey information related to the time of year 2024 to the people in the year 3024, then he can use this thing. For this, first of all the information related to the present world will have to be stored in such a format and box, which will remain safe even after a thousand years. After this, he will have to be buried at a place where people can dig in the year 3024 and they can find this time capsule during the excavation.

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