
Three youths reached the hospital to sell blood in Bhagalpur, the hospital administration caught all three and handed them over to the police

A state in Eastern India: The business of buying and selling of blood is going on in Bhagalpur’s JLNMCH. On Saturday, the hospital administration identified three youths who had come to sell blood and handed them over to the police. While seeing the opportunity, the main broker ran away. The Barari police station is interrogating the three youths after taking them into custody. Among the youths taken into custody are Haroon Ansari, resident of Champanagar Badi Masjid in Nathnagar, Mo Aman of Islamnagar and Rohit Kumar, resident of Nathnagar Kauwakoli.

The youth had less hemoglobin

Information has been received that when the hemoglobin of the youths was tested for blood donation, it was found that the hemoglobin of the youths is low. Blood Bank Incharge Dr. Divya Singh said that after hemoglobin was found low, both the youths were found ineligible for blood donation and were returned. But both the youths again tried to show themselves eligible for blood donation by bringing a fake report from outside. After this the lab technician got suspicious. On enquiry, it was found that two of the three youths had donated blood earlier also by taking money.

2500 – 2500 rupees for blood

It is being told that blood was being arranged for a one-year-old girl admitted in the infant ward. During this the matter came to light. Here, during the interrogation of the police, it has come to know that each of the three was brought to the hospital for donating blood by giving an inducement of Rs 2500-2500. All three have been handed over to the police, although the broker escaped from the spot. Now the police is looking for the main kingpin and other members involved in the blood business in the case. In the past also the members of such gangs have been arrested by the police.

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