
This year, farmers have used more urea, agriculture officials are giving information about the disadvantages and alternatives of urea.

Aligarh : Urea consumption is increasing in Aligarh. Compared to last year, 7914 metric tonnes of urea was used more this year in the district. Although the District Agriculture Officer is giving information about the disadvantages and alternatives of using more urea. District Agriculture Officer Abhinandan Singh said that last year 47041 metric tonnes of urea was used, while this year 54955 metric tonnes of urea was used. Giving information about the effect of using more urea on the fertility of the land and the alternative benefits of using less urea, it was told that the use of unbalanced and excessive amounts of urea causes economic loss as well as damage to the soil.

Licenses of 127 fertilizer vendors suspended so far

The District Agriculture Officer said that due to excessive use of urea by the farmers in Kharif crops, in which there was effective control on tanging, due to which the licenses of 127 fertilizer vendors of the district were suspended. Due to non-use of micronutrients by the farmers, due to various diseases (Bakani and others) in the crops, pesticides have been used in large quantities by the farmers. The physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil have decreased due to the use of more pesticides. Due to the imbalanced availability of different types of nutrients in the soil, the fertility of the soil has decreased. Due to excessive nitrogen, the vegetative growth of plants is more, due to which the plant becomes more soft and soft, due to which the chances of infection of pests and diseases increase.

Air, water and soil pollution problem

The problem of environmental (air, water and soil) pollution increases due to the release of nitrous oxide gas from the use of urea fertilizer. Excessive use of urea causes deficiency of micronutrients, especially zinc, sulfur and iron in the soil and out of 100 kg of urea in the crops, only 30 to 35 kg is absorbed by the plants. The rest goes into the atmosphere through transpiration. Others go inside the ground through leaching, due to which the drinking water extracted from the ground is also adversely affected.

Gave information about alternative fertilizer of urea

Giving information about the alternative fertilizer of urea, the District Agriculture Officer said that nano liquid urea has been developed, the use of which reduces the total amount of urea by 25 percent. The amount of granular urea used in top dressing on farmers’ fields was reduced by 50 percent and replaced with nano liquid urea. In which it was found that the yield was satisfactory. In the demonstrations of the farmers, it was found that at 40 to 45 days of yield stage, the production of second top-dressing nano urea is similar to that of granular urea.

The utilization efficiency of normal urea is 30 to 40 percent, while the utilization efficiency of nano liquid urea is 85 to 90 percent. Sulfur coated (gold urea) has an efficiency of 70 to 75 percent. It contains 37 percent nitrogen and 17 percent sulfur. Due to it slowly dissolving in the soil, its availability in the soil remains for a long time. He said that the availability of sulfur in the soil of the district was found to be less than 10 PPM as against 15 PPM. Similarly, the availability of zinc in the soil was 0.6 PPM as against 1.2 PPM. Appealing to all the farmer brothers, he said that they should also use micronutrients in a balanced quantity.

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