
This new model of AI will predict and tell the time of death

You must have seen the movie Krish, in which futures were being predicted. But now something similar is going to happen in real life also. Yes, recently such a model of AI has been prepared, which will tell about the future of humans. It will even tell you with complete accuracy when and at what time you will die. This new AI model has been researched by scientists at Denmark Technical University (DTU) and the AI ​​model was trained on personal data of the Danish population, resulting in a better performance than any existing system. Makes more accurate estimates of the likelihood of people dying.

Will predict outcomes such as personality and time of death with high accuracy

Let us tell you that in the study published in Nature Computational Science Journal on December 19, it has been made clear that once this new model of AI learns the data patterns, it can perform better than other advanced systems and with higher accuracy. Can predict outcomes such as personality and time of death.

To conduct the study, data was taken from people in the age group of 35 to 65 years.

Let us tell you that researchers took data from people aged 35 to 65 – half of whom died between 2016 and 2020 – and asked an AI system to predict who survived and who died. Went. So, they found that its predictions were 11 percent more accurate than any other existing AI models or life insurance companies. Using the model, researchers sought answers to simple questions such as the likelihood of a person dying within four years. In which, they found that the model’s responses are consistent with existing findings. As such, when all other factors are considered, individuals with higher incomes in leadership positions are more likely to survive. People suffering from mental problems have a higher risk of dying.

The model can also predict personality test results more accurately in a section of the population than existing AI systems. “Our framework allows researchers to identify new potential mechanisms that influence life outcomes and the possibilities associated with individual interventions,” the researchers wrote in the study.

Scientists warned

However, scientists have warned that this model should not be used by life insurance companies due to ethical concerns. Dr. Lehmann said “Obviously, our model should not be used by any insurance company, because the whole idea of ​​insurance is, who is the unlucky person who is killed by an incident, or dies, or loses his bag? What will happen is to share the lack of information about it.” The researchers also warned that there are other ethical issues surrounding the use of life2vec such as the protection of sensitive data, privacy, and the role of bias in the data. The scientists said, “We emphasize that our work is an exploration of what is possible, but it should only be used in real-world applications under rules that protect the rights of individuals. “

Now it remains to be seen that in the era of Open AI, if using this new AI model (life2vec) becomes common for common people, then will people really be saved from death? If you got this AI tool, which method would you adopt to avoid death.

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