
Third World War: Which country will be safest if Third World War breaks out, know here

Third World War: On one hand, war is going on between Ukraine and Russia. On the other hand, war has also started between Hamas and Israel.

In such a situation, looking at the current situation, it would not be wrong to say that perhaps the Third World War may start in the world soon.

If the third world war breaks out, then which are the safest places in the world, let us know about them.

which is the safest country

According to the ranking of Global Peace Index 2023, Iceland is the safest country in the third world war.

This is a country that will hopefully remain peaceful if World War III starts. Along with this, it is the safest country in the world.


Denmark is considered to be the safest country in the Third World War. Let us tell you that the area of ​​Greenland, which is under the control of this country, can be very safe.

However, one problem with Denmark is that it is not neutral but is a member of NATO.


If World War III starts, Ireland may be the safest country. This is a country located near England. Its most important thing is that it is not even a NATO member country.

But the most important member of NATO and America’s biggest ally is engaged with Britain. In such a situation, if there is a third world war, it will not be affected.


Actually, many European speaking people live in Canada. It is also America’s neighbor. Despite this, this huge country will remain away from the effects of the war on America.


If the Third World War starts, Australia will remain one of the safest countries. The geographical situation here is also such that there is hope that the heat of the third world war will not reach.

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