
‘They tease by calling them Takla, give one and a half lakh rupees for hair transplant’ Jharkhand advocate’s letter goes viral

Dhanbad: An advocate of Civil Court has written a letter to the Bar Association requesting to give Rs 1.5 lakh as medical allowance. This letter of the advocate is going viral in the WhatsApp group of lawyers. Its discussion is in full swing among the lawyers. Dhanbad In the letter issued from the letter pad of a civil court advocate, it has been said that he has been contesting the Bar Association elections for the last two times, but he has lost both the times. Because of this he remains under stress. Because of this his hair has started falling. Other lawyers in the court tease him by calling him bald and bald. That’s why he wants to get hair transplant done on his head. For this he should be given Rs 1.5 lakh. When information was taken from Bar Association President Amarendra Kumar Sahay in this regard, he did not confirm the incident. The advocate has written a letter to the General Secretary of the Bar, Jitendra Kumar, demanding disciplinary action against the other advocate.

The lawyer refused

When the advocate was asked in the light of this letter, he said that he has neither written a letter to the Bar Association nor demanded money for hair transplant. His rival lawyer has written this letter by misusing his signature and pad and has also made it viral. This incident has also been captured in the CCTV footage installed in the Bar Association.

Advocate demanded disciplinary action

When information was taken from Bar Association President Amarendra Kumar Sahay in this regard, he did not confirm the incident. On the other hand, that advocate has written a letter to the General Secretary of the Bar, Jitendra Kumar, demanding disciplinary action against the other advocate.

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