
These small mistakes will spoil the fun of drinking tea, check if this is your habit

Tea Making Tips

Be careful of some common mistakes

Drinking tea is a good way. To spend some moments of my busy life with my family on the pretext of drinking tea. But if you do not pay attention to some simple mistakes, your spicy tea may also become tasteless. Today we will tell you some simple mistakes, by keeping them in mind, you too will be able to sip spicy tea with your family.

use of correct tea leaves

Before making tea, we keep the tea leaves kept in the house without looking at them, in such a situation, if the tea leaves are kept for a long time, they lose their aroma and the tea becomes bitter, so keep in mind that the tea- The leaf should not be too old.

Pay attention to the time of boiling the tea

Usually, we stop boiling the tea and get busy with other things and the tea boils too much, the result of which is that the tea leaves its original taste and becomes bitter. Therefore, if you have to cook the tea, then do it on time. Keep an eye on.

Take care of the quantity of milk and water

While making tea, it is very important to keep in mind the quantity of milk and water, if we keep more quantity of milk then the tea will not taste strong. At the same time, if we keep more quantity of water then the tea can also become bitter. Therefore maintain a balance between both.

Be careful about the quantity of spices

If you like to drink spicy tea, then do not forget to keep in mind the quantity while adding spices to the tea. Generally people use ginger, cardamom, clove, and liquorice in tea. If their quantity is not kept in mind then the tea can become bitter.

always put sugar last

Often we put tea leaves and sugar together in tea water which is wrong. If you add sugar before the time of making tea, its color becomes very dark, hence always keep sugar at the end.

strain the tea carefully

Use a fine strainer while straining tea, this will prevent small particles from entering your tea. Do not squeeze the tea leaves at the end, this may make your tea bitter.

Do not drink heated tea again and again

Some people have the habit of heating already prepared tea and drinking it again and again, but reheating tea makes it taste bitter and can also cause many health problems like diarrhea, stomach ache etc. Are.

Report: Sakshi

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