
These night habits can increase diabetes, check your lifestyle

sleep too late

Sleeping too late: Staying awake for long periods at night and sleeping too late can increase the risk of diabetes. It can reduce sleep quality and affect insulin sensitivity, leading to increased blood sugar levels.

late night snacking

Eating snacks late at night affects blood sugar levels. Eating excessive carbohydrates and sugar-rich snacks at night can increase blood sugar levels.

late night dehydration

Dehydration late at night can increase glucose levels in the body, which can increase the risk of diabetes. It is important to take care of proper hydration here.

Screen exposure before mealtime

Exposure to screens before meal time can disrupt sleep quality.

Effect of blue light on blood sugar

Blue light from screens can reduce the production of melatonin, which can affect sleep quality and make it difficult to control blood sugar.

effects of drug withdrawal

Skipping or delaying taking nighttime medications prescribed for diabetes management may impair blood sugar control.

Getting enough sleep is important

Getting regular and adequate sleep is important because it can help maintain insulin sensitivity and control blood sugar.

more stress and anxiety

Due to excess stress and anxiety, stress hormones can be produced in the body which can increase the blood sugar level.

adopt a healthy lifestyle

By improving these habits and adopting a healthy lifestyle, the risk of diabetes can be reduced. Regular exercise, right diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of diabetes and help control blood sugar.

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