
These foods are body heaters, eating them will keep cold and cough away.

winter care

When winter increases, heaters also turn on in many houses, but do you know that there are some foods which act as body heaters and when eaten, they keep your body warm and drive away the cold that occurs in winter.

winter care

In winter season, warm clothes and heater alone are not enough to keep the body warm. It is important to keep the body warm from inside also. Therefore, some special foods should be included in your diet these days.


Honey is nectar for health

Honey is considered nectar for health. Consuming sweet and nutrient-rich honey is very beneficial in winter. Along with giving energy to the body, it strengthens our immunity. It is also effective on sore throat.


consumption of ghee is beneficial

Desi ghee keeps our body temperature and heat balanced. It contains fatty acids in sufficient quantity. Regular consumption of ghee is very beneficial in winter season.


The taste of jaggery is hot

The nature of jaggery is hot. For this reason, it should be included in your diet during the winter season. Jaggery contains a lot of calories, it can be used to make sweet dishes or can be eaten as is. Consuming jaggery also strengthens the digestive system.


Consuming cinnamon is beneficial

Consumption of cinnamon is considered very beneficial in winter. If you add cinnamon to your diet in this season, it increases the metabolism of your body, which warms the body. Cinnamon water provides great relief from cough problem.


consumption of mustard

Consumption of mustard spice and mustard oil is beneficial in winter season. A compound called allyl isothiocyanate present in mustard helps in maintaining better body temperature.

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