
These are the 9 most wanted criminals of India, NIA has placed a reward of Rs 25 lakh on this don.

India has gone through shocking attacks and bomb blasts. The nation has seen many people losing their lives during that time. While the citizens were spending their time like a normal day, little did anyone know that attack plans had been made and terrorists were in the process of attacking the country. There were many masterminds and gangsters behind such huge disasters and they were listed as most wanted criminals in India. Today we are going to tell you about the 9 most wanted criminals of India.

Dawood Ibrahim

Dawood Ibrahim

The first name in this list is that of Dawood Ibrahim. Dawood, the mastermind of the 1993 Mumbai attacks, also claims to have a hand in the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai.

Chhota Shakeel

A close friend of Dawood Ibrahim, Chhota Shakeel is involved in the 1993 Mumbai blasts and the September 2001 attack on Chhota Rajan in Bangkok. He fled from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia after the killing of Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.

Anees Ibrahim

Another most wanted criminal in the list is from the same family. Anees Ibrahim, younger brother of Dawood Ibrahim. He is an accused in the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts and is a co-accused in every crime with which Dawood Ibrahim is accused. He is the leader and mastermind who arranges counterfeit bank notes operations, extortion and drugs.

david headley

He is one of the conspirators of 26/11 attacks. Major Iqbal, a major in the Pakistani Army and ISI officer, was David Headley’s main representative, who personally recruited, trained and directed him for his reconnaissance activities in India.

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, co-founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba and chief of Jamaat-ud-Dawa. It was declared a terrorist organization by the United Nations in December 2008. He is accused of conspiring the 26/11 attacks and openly gives hate speeches against India. Although he was put under house arrest after the 26/11 attacks, he carried out many activities like anti-India and anti-America rallies.

masood azhar

Masood Azhar, the mastoid, runs Jais-e-Mohammed, a terrorist group in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. A terrorist who was released by the Indian government in exchange for the passengers of the hijacked Indian Airlines flight in December 1999. His terrorist organization was behind the 2001 Parliament attacks and till now, it is accused of hiding in Pakistan.

Ilyas Kashmiri

The leader of the terrorist organization Harkat-ul-Jihadi Islami is Ilyas Kashmiri. Ilyas is an Al Qaeda terrorist and is responsible for the German Bakery blast in Pune and 26/11 attacks in Mumbai, attack on the American Center in Kolkata in 2002 and blasts in Delhi, Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Jaipur in 2008. There was news of his death in an American drone attack in 2011, but this was later denied.

Sajid Mir

Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Sajid Mir. Sajid came to India in 2005 as a cricket fan and was preparing for the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. According to Western intelligence sources, Sajid Mir is being held in a safe house run by the ISI directorate along with Abdur Rehman Hashim, a formal military officer who accompanied him to New Delhi.

Syed Salahuddin

On the NIA’s most wanted list is Syed Salahuddin, who heads Hizbul Mujahideen, a Kashmiri terrorist organization – which is pro-Pakistan and aims to merge Kashmir with Pakistan. Syed’s organization is accused of having links with ISI and Pakistan’s support. The continuous terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir are because of Syed Salahuddin.

NIA had put a reward of Rs 25 lakh on Dawood Ibrahim

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has imposed a cash reward of ₹25 lakh on underworld gangster Dawood Ibrahim and several other reward amounts for his associates in its investigation related to ‘D’ Company – Ibrahim’s gang – that had set up a unit in India for smuggling. Was announced. While the reward amount for Ibrahim was kept at ₹25 lakh, the agency had announced ₹20 lakh for Chhota Shakeel and ₹15 lakh for Anees, Chikna and Memon.

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