
There will be a big change in the traffic rules of Bihar, know what proposal the Transport Department is making

Prahlad Kumar, Patna. On the instructions of the State Government, the Transport Department will make changes in the traffic rules regarding the movement of small and big vehicles in the next three months, a proposal will be prepared at the department level for this, so that all the cities can be freed from jams. Before preparing the Transport Department proposal, the number of vehicles from the districts, how many vehicles are running on which roads. Its complete details have been sought from the districts. Changes will be made in the rules after the report comes.

Big vehicles move in cities at any time of the day or night.

Big vehicles move across the state at any time of the day or night, ignoring traffic rules. Due to this, traffic jams arise in cities. There is relaxation in no entry late night in all big districts including Patna, but for some time and for some areas. Despite this, big vehicles move in any area at any time, violating the rules. Because no new changes have been made in the review of traffic rules. For this reason, vehicles come within the cities due to old tradition.

This is how the number of vehicles in the state is increasing every year.

In Bihar, total 7 lakh 4 thousand vehicles in 2015-16, 1 lakh 64 thousand vehicles in 2016-17, 11 lakh 18 thousand vehicles in 2017-18, 11 lakh 89 thousand vehicles in 2018-19, 13 lakh 50 thousand vehicles in 2019-20. , 9 lakh 9 thousand vehicles have been registered in 2020-21, 9 lakh 998 thousand in 2021-22 and more than 9 lakh 31 thousand vehicles have been registered in 2022-23.

Transport officers will go to other states and prepare reports to get rid of the jam.

The transport department or the traffic police do not have a route plan to get rid of the jam in Bihar. Preparations have started to make changes in the routes of small and big vehicles by making route plans at the departmental level. At the same time, officials of the transport department will go to other states to prepare a report to get rid of the jam. In cities like Gorakhpur, Hyderabad, Cuttack, Bangalore, due to the route plan, the jam situation is less.

Rules for passenger carrying vehicles have changed recently

Last month, the Bihar government had made it mandatory to install Vehicle Location Tracking Device (VLTD) in public passenger vehicles like buses and autos. It was said in it that permits will not be issued to passenger vehicles without VLTD. Even if the VLTD is not active after installation, the permit of such vehicles will be suspended. This instruction was given to all the permit applicants in the meeting held by the State Transport Authority. While immediately suspending the permits of vehicles whose VLTD is not active, instructions were given to install VLTD in the vehicle within 15 days and submit its proof.

Permit may be canceled

The Transport Secretary said that if there is non-compliance, the permit will be cancelled. Instructions were given in the meeting that old buses above 15 years of age will not be operated in Patna Municipal Corporation, Danapur Municipal Council, Phulwari Sharif Municipal Council Gaya and Muzaffarpur Municipal Corporation border areas.

Fine will be imposed on such vehicles

In the meeting, the application for permit under the inter-regional route was heard. Fines were imposed on buses operating by diverting routes, operating illegally without permit, pollution, insurance and fitness failing vehicles. Instructions were given that it will be mandatory for the permit holder vehicle to operate from the start and destination of the route mentioned in the permit. Not operating till the origin and destination mentioned in the permit is a violation of the conditions of the permit. Action will be taken against vehicles obtaining Stage Carriage (Passenger Bus) permit for operating them as school buses.

It is also mandatory to get this work done

It is mandatory to write the permit holder’s name and permit number on the buses. Applicants who came to the meeting of the State Transport Authority were instructed that it has been made mandatory to write the permit holder’s name, address, permit number, validity of permit, etc. on the buses. Along with this, it is necessary to write the name and mobile number of the driver and conductor of the bus along with the route number, start and destination point. If this is not done, the State Transport Authority will take action to suspend or cancel the permit of the bus.

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