
There is not a single public toilet in this city of Bihar, it has been upgraded from Nagar Panchayat to Municipal Council.

Simri Bakhtiyarpur. Under the Swachh Bharat Mission, many initiatives are being taken by the government to completely ban open defecation. A good amount of money is also being spent on this. So that the people of the city can get freedom from open defecation. But there is not a single public toilet in the city council with a population of about fifty thousand, so in such a situation it can be estimated how the city can be made clean and beautiful. Special efforts need to be made for this so that at least people coming to the main market do not have to face problems.

Enough of waiting..

It has been almost two years since Simri Bakhtiyarpur Nagar Panchayat was upgraded to Municipal Council. But till now not a single public toilet could be built in the NP area. There was discussion about building public toilets every time in the board meetings. But this issue could not be transformed into ground reality. The situation is such that after the formation of the Municipal Council, the face of the city is changing rapidly. Mall culture developed but severe lack of public facilities still persists. The very busy areas of the city include Main Market, Gudri Haat etc. These areas are the most crowded. Due to which the people of the city have demanded construction of toilets and urinals as per their need. The officials of NAP are saying that the biggest obstacle in this work is lack of land. There is no place available in the busy market where a public urinal can be built.

people are dirtying the wall

Due to lack of toilets, people look for places on the roadside whenever needed and do not fail to dirty wherever they find a corner of the wall. This not only spreads foul smell around such yellow spots, but also spoils the image of the city. Apart from this, when there is no solution even at the corner, Simri runs towards Bakhtiyarpur station. Where one urinates in the urinal located on the station premises. Here too, due to lack of maintenance and proper monitoring, the presence of dirt is high. The biggest problem occurs during festivals. People coming from villages have to go through a lot of problems during festivals like Durga Puja and Janmashtami.

There is not even a pink toilet in the city

Pink toilet is most needed in the Municipal Council area. Due to lack of pink toilet, women face a lot of trouble when they feel the need after leaving the house. Because even after searching for them, no toilet is found nearby. Men get by by dirtying the walls everywhere. But women have to suppress their needs forcefully. In case of severe problem, one has to knock on the door of someone’s house.

Sick and elderly people face more problems

Due to lack of toilets and pink toilets in the city, the biggest problem is faced by sick and elderly people. Diabetic patients not only feel the urge to defecate quickly, but also find it difficult to suppress them. Doctors also say that stopping urine for a long time can be wrong. Therefore, the city council officials need to consider this issue as soon as possible.

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