
There is no need to go to the gym, nor any equipment, you can keep yourself fit by adopting these four methods.

exercise tips

It is a well-established fact that fitness is essential for overall mental and physical well-being. The journey to fitness begins with gradual improvements. One immediate change you can make in your daily life is exercise. By starting small, but consistently, with a balanced diet, you will see and feel improvements in just a few weeks. To have a healthy body and mind, you do not need expensive and complicated equipment to workout. Here are some ways you can start burning your calories today:


Dancing is a great way to lose weight. Whether in class or at home, choose a dance form that requires continuous movement such as Zumba, hip hop, Bollywood dance, salsa or aerobic dance. Indian classical dance can be a great way to immerse yourself in the culture while also working on your fitness.

brisk walking, running and jogging

These are great exercises and you can start doing them today. It does not require any equipment other than comfortable sports shoes. Walking, especially walking on an inclined path, is a good exercise. To make this workout more challenging, you can increase your walking speed, place weight on your ankles, or walk a longer distance.

strength training

Strength training or body weight exercises are resistance exercises where either equipment or your body weight is used as resistance. Lifting heavy weights can improve metabolism even when you are resting. One can use one’s body weight, barbells as weights and resistance bands.


While the methods given above will help you burn fat, it is important that we also mention yoga here. Activities like yoga will not help you lose weight, but it is important to complete an exercise routine. Yoga improves strength, flexibility and mindfulness and Pilates works your core muscles and helps improve posture while increasing flexibility.

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