
There is acute shortage of water in this village of Hazaribagh, people are falling ill after drinking contaminated water.

Barkattha About 100 women, men and children live in Harijan Tola located in Sakrej village of Jhurjhuri Panchayat under block area. Drinking water crisis has arisen in front of them. Well is the only source of drinking water for the villagers. Whose water level went down a lot due to the scorching heat in the month of April. There is a government hand pump installed in Tola, which has been lying defunct for months. The villagers have demanded the local authorities to get Chapakal made. Said that if immediate attention is not paid to this, then we will be bound for the movement.

Kauleshwar Das said that the water of the well has gone down a lot and has also become contaminated. The people of the village are now forced to drink contaminated water. Janaki Ravidas said that people are falling ill after drinking dirty water due to non-availability of other drinking water facilities in Harijan Tola. Dulari Devi said that the little water that gets accumulated in the well overnight is brought in the morning and used for cooking and drinking. Due to the low water level of the well, the water has also become contaminated. But, we are forced to use the same water. Parva Devi said that the chapakal of Harijan Tola was lying bad for almost two months. To make which many requests were made to the block office, but no attention was paid. Apart from this, other people including Munia Devi, Shankar Das, Chander Das, Dwarka Das, Mahendra Das, who live in Tola, talked about the drinking water problem.

Chapakal bad for seven months near Badam Chowk

Barkagaon. Near the primary school located in the main square of Badam, a hand crank has been out of order for seven months. Due to this the problems of school children, teachers, nearby shopkeepers and other people have increased. The villagers said that they have informed the public representatives and the department about this, but no solution has been found. Mukhiya Sunita Devi told that a report has been sent to the department to repair all the defective hand tools in Badam Panchayat.

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