
The sub health center building of Nawadih Panchayat of Koderma is dilapidated, there is always a possibility of accident

The government administration constantly claims to have better health facilities, but there are some areas where even today people are not getting the full benefit of health facilities, while there are some places which are neglected by the government administration and are located here. Health centers are shedding tears over their plight. Somewhat similar is the condition of the Sub Health Center operated in Ward No. 12 of Jeruadih located in Nawadih Panchayat of the block. The building of the center has become dilapidated, this sub health center is about 47 years old.

It is said that this center was built in 1975-76 during the time of Bihar government, since then many changes have taken place, but the condition of the center has deteriorated. The condition is that the arrangement of water and toilets in this center is also not proper. There is a toilet, but it is dilapidated. Firstly, the building is dilapidated, there is no proper facility of water and toilets, in such a situation, how the patients would be treated here, it is a question in itself, not only this, due to the dilapidated building of the center, the lives of the personnel working here as well as the patients are also affected. Always remains in breath.

Patients, ANMs and other workers are always in fear that the plaster of the dilapidated roof may fall somewhere. They are always prone to accidents. People from Nawadih, Jeruadih and nearby villages reach this center for treatment. Homeopath Dr. Priyanka Kumari along with two ANMs Jayamanti Kumari and Rinki Kumari are posted in the center. However, there are no doctors on duty during the night. According to the records, on an average one hundred patients are treated here in a month. Needed medicine is available here. Along with this, HIV, hemoglobin and malaria tests are done here.

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