
The slab of the country’s largest double decker bridge fell in Chapra, there was chaos, people narrowly escaped creating ruckus.

Major negligence has come to light in the construction of the country’s longest double decker bridge, which is being built at a cost of crores in Chapra, Bihar. During the construction here, shortly after the casting of the beam, the wooden barrier installed below it broke and a huge amount of slab material including cement, ballast and sand fell on the road. This incident happened around 8.30 am on Wednesday morning. Coincidentally, no passerby or bystander was hit during that incident. However, after the incident, angry people from nearby areas protested against the working style of the construction company due to breaking of centering and falling of material during beam casting.

people created ruckus

People nearby said that an incident could happen at any time due to the construction company ignoring safety standards during construction. People also said that Bihar State Bridge Construction Corporation and the related company are not taking necessary steps to prevent any kind of incident. People allege that no security arrangements are made by the personnel of Double Decker Purna Nirman. Due to which incidents like this keep happening.

people created ruckus

The casting was done late Tuesday night

When asked about the incident, Executive Engineer of Bihar State Bridge Construction Corporation Sushil Kumar said that the casting of the beam of the double decker near the police line was done late on Tuesday night. During the casting of the beam, a plank was placed from below for support. But due to breakage of the plank, a large amount of material fell down from the molded beam.

casting will be done again

However, after receiving this information, the material was immediately removed and all the material present in the beam to be recast will be removed and the casting work will be done by centering again. Whatever rods etc. have been installed while molding the beam, they will remain the same. After this incident, traffic has been immediately blocked on that route.

A heavy iron angle of the bridge also fell on December 2.

Let us tell you that even before this, on December 2, two big iron angles of the under construction bridge near Gandhi Chowk, the busiest place of the city, had fallen on a container going to Muzaffarpur via Chapra. During this time too, there was no casualty, but the passers-by narrowly escaped and the local people said that the double-decker work is done very carelessly and no care is taken for the safety and facilities of the common people. Local people even said that a lot of carelessness is seen while welding and the sparks that come out during welding fall on the bodies of passers-by. Many times people have also been injured.

Bridge construction started in 2017

In the year 2017, the construction work of the country’s largest double decker bridge was started in Chapra city. The target was set to complete the construction work by the year 2022 only. But, even 40 percent of the work has not been completed yet. In the central part of the city, work was disrupted due to delay in the process of land acquisition and compensation. However, the construction work of the first deck in the eastern and western areas has been completed. The challenge still remains regarding construction work in the central part.

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