
The show of becoming the state president is going on in the theater of Congress, a new script comes every day

Post of President of State Congress. With the rising mercury in the day, the names of the leaders jump, till the evening they are on the ground. The more mouth, the more talk. As many leaders, as many equations. For the last two-three months, the Congress is hot because of talk and various discussions. There is a leader race from Ranchi to Delhi. We are panting, but we are not able to talk. The matter is stuck somewhere. Bandhu Tirkey’s name cropped up as the first contender for the post of President in the Congress.

Shri Tirkey also made a lot of efforts in Delhi. From party general secretary KC Venugopal to in-charge Avinash Pandey. Before the matter could be resolved, the anti-Bandhu camp became active in the Congress. Kalicharan Munda was promoted from Khunti. Some leaders played the card of Sarna tribal. Kalicharan Munda also went to Delhi. Many leaders including Congress Legislature Party leader Alamgir Alam, Rameshwar Oraon, former president Pradeep Balmuchu had the backing.

Perhaps Kalicharan Munda could not influence the central leadership much. Delhi’s green signal not received. The matter did not settle down here. Here, BJP handed over the command of the state to Babulal Marandi. After Shri Marandi, a powerful leader of the state, got the command, Congress strategists started playing different roles. The talk started about non-tribals.

Already made up his mind, an environment was created for former Union Minister Subodhkant Sahay. The argument was that in front of Babulal, the Congress should also put forward a leader of great stature. Subodh Kant’s Delhi lobby also became active. The OBC card was played in front of the central leadership before the matter could have been set. Now the argument was that OBCs have a big vote bank, the central leadership was explained and extinguished. Now former state president and Dr. Ajay Kumar, who has made inroads in Delhi, has come forward.

Here, the OBC leaders of the state also started to see the situation in favor. Probably the central leadership did not agree on the name of Dr. Ajay, wanted to keep him in Delhi only. Dr. Ajay has made his mark as a better spokesperson. Meanwhile the events changed.

Pradeep Yadav, deputy leader of the Congress Legislature Party, met party leader Rahul Gandhi. After Pradeep Yadav’s meeting with Rahul, the market of discussion also got heated. Till now, this meeting of Mr. Yadav outside the race started to be considered important. What happened next, a faction of Congress became active again. Projected Rajya Sabha MP Dheeraj Sahu whose family has a long history with Congress.

Although Mr. Sahu has been running away from taking the responsibility of the post of President due to temperament, he has never been involved in this race. But to block the way of Pradeep Yadav, some Congress leaders associated with Santalpargana have opened a strong card. At present, the show of the state president is going on in the Congress theatre. The thrill of this entire script is yet to be done, the name for the post of president has to be decided. Everything will be decided by the top director sitting in Delhi.

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