
The risk of heart attack increases by 30 percent in cold weather, take such precautions

Heart Attack In Winter

Cold weather affects your heart in many ways. In the process of avoiding cold, there are fluctuations in the blood circulation system. Due to reduced workout, blood vessels shrink in cold, which makes it difficult for blood to reach your heart, so be careful to avoid heart disease. If there is no pre-existing disease related to blood pressure, there may be a temporary increase in it during cold weather, which is normal. If a patient is undergoing treatment for a blood pressure related disease, then such a patient has to take extreme caution in cold weather.

Oxygen does not reach the heart in sufficient quantity

The body needs more oxygen while working out or doing physical labor. For this, the blood circulation system becomes active and the blood vessels open to deliver more oxygen to the body. Difficulty occurs in those people who already have cholesterol accumulated in their blood vessels. Due to this, sufficient amount of oxygen does not reach the heart and this becomes the cause of heart attack. This type of risk also increases due to not being physically active in cold weather.

Blood pressure can cause heart attack

The pressure inside the arteries present in the blood circulation system is called blood pressure. In cold weather, blood vessels shrink due to which they have to work harder to deliver blood to the heart. Due to this, blood pressure increases in cold weather and it can cause heart attack. If blood pressure always remains high, then the arteries can suddenly get blocked, hence it becomes necessary to take medicines as per the advice of experts.

Increase in heart rate is not a sign

In cold weather, it is seen that heart beats increase in most of the people. Many times people think that they have heart disease but it is not so. Increase in heartbeat in cold weather is a normal process. Because the blood circulation system has to work harder to keep the body warm, due to which the heartbeat may be slightly higher than normal. There is no need to panic about this. If this problem persists frequently and continuously then seek expert advice.

Irregular eating habits increase risk

Generally it is seen that when the cold increases, people like to rest more. During this time, some people prefer to consume food containing oil and spices and alcohol, which is not at all good for heart health. Keep your diet balanced during the cold season and do not consume things which are dangerous for the heart.

Take these precautions

  • Wear layered clothes in cold weather. If you have to go out, cover your entire body as well as your head properly.

  • It is important to keep the body hydrated i.e. keep drinking water at regular intervals. Generally, people reduce drinking water during cold weather, which is not good for heart health.

  • Workout is very important to keep the body active in cold weather. If it is not possible to do hard exercise, you can do light exercise or walking.

  • If you already have any heart related disease, then it is important to take special precautions in the cold season and keep taking your medicines at regular intervals as per the advice of experts.

  • Reduce or completely stop the use of caffeine and alcohol, as they increase blood pressure.

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