
The priest said – Lalla, when you sleep at night, when you wake up in the morning, you think, where did we come from a hut to a palace?

Ayodhya, Upmita Vajpayee: When Lalla sleeps at night and wakes up in the morning, she thinks, where did I come from a hut to a palace? Priest Santosh Tiwari, who lived 32 years of Ram Lalla in Babri’s dome, torn tarpaulin and then in a wooden hut, narrates the story of his Lalla in this language. It is said that on January 21, when Ram Lalla will be taken to sleep in the new temple after the Shayan Aarti, Ram Lalla will open his eyes in the new palace the next morning. Perhaps Lord Ram will also be surprised to see the beautiful palace. He says, I have worshiped Lalla day and night for so many years, now I have fallen in love with him. Wake them up in the morning by reciting mantras. Performing Mangala Aarti. Wake up Ramlala slowly, without lighting the lights, without ringing the bell, without making any noise. Then their bathing, adornment, offering, dance and worship. Then at night after Shayan Aarti, make him lie down on the throne itself. Pat the four brothers, Ram, Lakshman, Bharat and Shatrughan for some time. Sing lullabies and then cover yourself with the quilt.

All the clothes of Ramlala have been packed.

Pandit Santosh Tiwari, who served Lord Shri Ram in Ayodhya, says that he has memories of 32 years. At present all the clothes of Ramlala have been packed. Extra beds and quilts have also been packed. All of them will go there together in the new rooms made for them. The utensils will be tied after the offering on 21st. Earlier, Ramlala Virajman was to be taken to the new temple on the night of 19th.

Ramlala Virajman will move to the new palace on the night of 21st.

Santosh Tiwari says, no idol can remain without offering and worship for 24 hours. Otherwise it has to be consecrated again. And if Lalla had gone to the new temple on the 19th, he would have been worshiped and offered food in front of the new idol. So doesn’t the new Lord Ram feel bad? They do not say that right now we are in the abode, immersed in food, water, medicines, eating only dry fruits and offerings are being made to Ramlala Virajman. Therefore, the priest, Acharya and the Trust decided that now Ramlala Virajman will also go to the new palace on the night of 21st. So that both can enjoy together. On the morning of 22nd, Chhappan Bhog is to be offered to Ramlala.

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