
The Kerala Story Movie Review: The subject is sensitive, but the entire treatment is agenda based


Movie – The Kerala Story

Director – Sudipto Sen

Cast: Adah Sharma, Sonia Balani, Yogita Bihani, Siddhi, Pranav Mishra, Pranay Pachauri and others

Platform – Cinema

Rating – One and a half

Terrorism and brainwashing of youth is a serious matter. There is a need to negotiate on this. Films should also be made, but if the film is made in such a way, where everything against one religion has to be shown and the people of other religion have to be called completely innocent, then it reveals the real purpose of the film. After The Kashmir Files, its sequel The Kerala Story has been made. Now the audience needs to ask itself the question whether in the name of freedom of speech is it to understand the factual vs creative difference in these films or to nurture hatred.

The treatment of the film is dramatic

The story of the film is of Shalini (Ada Sharma), who is in a Syrian prison, Syrian police and American investigative agencies have strong evidence that Shalini is a terrorist. How Shalini, who studies as a nurse in a nursing college in Kerala, first becomes Fatima and then joins terrorism. His same journey has been shown in the film. Its entire taunt has been woven on the controversial word Love Jihad. How does love jihad work? This is shown in the film. The film slowly shows the horrors of the story while moving in flashbacks and the present. The story of the film has been told to be inspired by many real events.

what is the story of the movie

The story of the film may be inspired by real events, but the way it is shown in the film. He is bitter. The film needed to be treated with sensitivity, but a religious hate monger is a complete treatment. The film does not try to grope something in grey. Everything is black or white in the film. Whoever is a Muslim in the film is a villain and is associated with terrorism and those who belong to other religions. There is nothing bad in them. He is very innocent. They don’t have brains. If you do not use your discretion after watching the film, then it is bound to think that Hindu women in Kerala are in danger. All the Muslims of Kerala are making Hindu women into Muslim terrorists in the name of love jihad. There is also a dialogue in the film that save Kerala. Our ex-CM has said that Kerala will become an Islamic state in a few years. The film is said to be based on a real incident, but the film has not been able to put forward any concrete evidence that could bring to the fore the horrific situation shown in the film. This story is not reality, it is not denied, but there are bad people in every community, but to what extent it is justified to blame the whole community for those few people. There is no role of police or administration in the film. The girls and their families do not seek any help from anyone. Tolerating everything silently. For once it seems that the director has perhaps forgotten that the events in the story are not being shown in Syria or Afghanistan but in Kerala, India. Girls are being harassed in front of the crowd for not wearing hijab and the crowd is silent.

make communication uncomfortable

The film is full of such dialogues. The dialogues of the film further explain the purpose of the film. Hindus are bound to get angry because of the way Hindu deities have been described as weak. Not only the Muslim religion, but also the communist ideology has been cursed fiercely. You told about communist ideology, if you had told about Hindu deities, this situation would not have happened. Communists are the biggest hypocrites. Significantly, nothing has been said on Christianity, whereas a decade ago the conversion of Hindus by Christians used to be a big issue, but now it is no longer an issue, because the entire focus is on one In targeting religion. Listening to the dialogues of the film, the question also arises as to how the censor board passed these dialogues.

Adah Sharma’s strong performance

Talking about acting, the story of this film is on Adah Sharma and she has given a powerful performance in this character. She has lived the graph of her character from an innocent girl to become a woman running away from the clutches of ISI with every scene on screen. Siddhi and Sonia Balani also impress in their roles. Rest of the characters have also done justice to their respective roles.

This aspect is a mistake here

Talking about the music of the film, two songs in Malayalam language have also been kept in the film. This aspect takes the film closer to reality. The shooting of the film has been done in documentary style and violence has been served fiercely.


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