
The dead body of a woman found in Patna is related to Bengal, police is searching for the reason behind the murder, know the whole matter.

Patna. Late, located at 70 feet of Gardanibagh police station area. The mystery of the dead body of the woman recovered from Dinesh Gop’s house has not been solved even after 12 hours of recovery. Patna Police is still investigating the reasons for the murder. There is no information about any arrest in this case so far. The woman has been identified as Kusum Ghosh Karmakar, wife of Shubhashish Karmakar, resident of Chinsura, Hooghly, West Bengal. The body of 28 year old Kusum was recovered from the third floor flat of the house. The body was tied with a cloth. There was blood spread everywhere on the ground.

Police arrived late at night, door of the room was broken

When the police demolished the house late at night in the presence of the magistrate, a foul smell started emanating. The policemen quickly opened the locked windows and doors of the flat. Gopal Paswan, who did event work, and his wife Saimya also lived in the same woman’s flat. At present the couple is absconding. On the invitation of the couple, Kusum had come to Patna about a month before Vardhman to do the event. Late on Wednesday night, when the smell started coming, the landlady first called the people from the neighbourhood. After this the police was informed.

Kusum used to come to Bihar regularly to organize events.

As soon as the information was received, the police station officer reached the spot. Kamal arrived and also called the magistrate. The police station officer said that the husband of deceased Kusum told on phone that Kusum used to travel from Bengal to other states regularly to organize events. Police Station Officer Kamal told that Kusum has been murdered. After the husband’s arrival, a case will be registered on his statement. At present, the couple Gopal and Soumya, living in the same flat, are absconding. The police have confiscated the landlady’s mobile phone. WhatsApp messages with Gopal have been found in the mobile, on which the police is investigating. After the dead body was found, the landlady was admitted to the hospital since late night.

Two daughters live with father in Vardhaman

According to the information received, the police took information from the landlady about her husband’s mobile phone number. As soon as the information was received, the husband immediately left for Patna. Kusum’s husband Shubhashish drives a car in Vardhaman. He is originally from Chinsura in Hooghly. Shubhashish had a love marriage with Kusum. Kusum’s elder daughter is 12 years old, while her younger daughter is 10 years old. Both the daughters live with their father in Vardhaman.

Kusum last talked to her husband on January 18.

The husband told that about a month ago, Kusum said that she was going to Patna for some event work. After this, when we talked for the last time on January 18, she said that she would return soon. After this the mobile was switched off. Kusum was called by Gopal and Soumya. Both of them also do event work. Kusum knew both of them well. After reaching Patna, Kusum used to talk daily, but on January 18, her mobile got switched off. After that, a missing complaint of Kusum was registered in Vardhaman police station on 18th January.

Seeing it locked, the mistress said: Everyone has gone to the event.

After Sanha was registered, Bengal Police took her mobile location and told that Kusum lives near 70 feet. Husband Shubhashish also reached Patna along with Vardhaman police. When we reached the house based on the location, we saw that the flat was locked from outside. The owner said that everyone had gone out for event work. The landlady told that Gopal and Soumya had taken the room on rent as husband and wife. According to the information received, Gopal is a resident of Patna and Soumya is a resident of Tripura.

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