
The country is feeling the aroma of the soil of Birsa Munda’s village: Arjun Munda

Union Minister for Tribal Affairs Arjun Munda said in the welcome speech that today is indeed a day of pride for the people of Jharkhand. Today the whole country is celebrating the birthday of Lord Birsa Munda as Tribal Pride Day. This is the first time in the history of the country when any Prime Minister has reached the birthplace of Birsa Munda. This new chapter is being added to history. Today the whole country is feeling the aroma of the soil of the village of Lord Birsa Munda. Today the Prime Minister is giving new gifts by launching many schemes. Through Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra, the public welfare schemes of the government will be taken to the people. This will fulfill the vision of Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat.

Under the Tribal Justice Maha Abhiyan, the Prime Minister has launched a scheme of about Rs 24 thousand crore for the Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG) living in 22,500 villages of the country. The central government is working on a plan to eliminate sickle cell disease from the entire country by the year 2047. Mr. Munda said that it is Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s love for the tribals that he visited Jharkhand a day earlier. Today, many schemes for tribal development are being run under the leadership of the Prime Minister. in the year 2014 Tribal Ministry The budget was Rs 4295 crore, but today it has increased to Rs 12,461 crore. To improve the living standards of tribals, the Central Government has supported 81 forest produce.

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