
The constable was showing pride of being in the traffic police, the police seized the car without a black film

Agra. The traffic police constable found it difficult to follow the traffic rules. The traffic police seized the car of Rangbaz constable. The constable was driving his black colored Scorpio without any number plate. Black film was kept on the lead. Police was written in place of the number. Someone made a video of his car and uploaded it on social media. The video was also tweeted to the traffic police.

police was written on the car

A constable named Deepak Kumar is posted in the traffic police. In the video, he himself was seen violating the traffic rules. Deepak Kumar was passing through MG Road with his black colored Scorpio. Meanwhile, the traffic police stopped his vehicle at Sai Ki Takiya intersection. When the police inquired, the constable started pretending to be in the traffic police, but it did not work. The traffic police officer removed the black film pasted on the tires of his car. Scorpio was also seized due to lack of number on the number plate of the vehicle.

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