
The condition of the road descending from Tatanagar railway station bridge towards Jugsalai is dilapidated, people are getting injured by falling every day.

The condition of the road descending towards Tatanagar railway station bridge-Jugsalai is very dilapidated. There are more than 315 potholes on the road of about 400 meters of ROB climbing from Jugsalai and descending towards Barmaines. Two wheelers and four wheelers can easily pass through these potholes. It is difficult for heavy vehicles to pass through here. The condition of both the road and the bridge is dilapidated. While people’s representatives, from administrative officers to railway officers regularly pass through this route.

Despite this, no initiative is being taken to improve the situation. If common people are to be believed, then the responsible people are probably waiting for some big accident or accident. A passer-by said that after the accident, the administration usually takes all kinds of steps. Unnecessary amount is also spent. But at present the administration remains indifferent towards this route. Everyday people are getting injured in accidents due to dilapidated road.

Who will build the road, railway or administration?

Who will build the road? Who will fill the pits with stones and lay the lining? For this also, the officials of Railway and Jugsalai NP blame each other. When the Jugsalai Municipal Council comes in front, the Railways stops it. It is said that first bring NOC from Chakradharpur DRM. Due to this the problem cannot be solved

more than a million people passing through every day

More than one lakh people pass through this route every day. This is the only road in the city on which commuters walk 24 hours a day.

Will ask Railways to take responsibility or leave it: Mangal Kalindi

Jugsalai MLA Mangal Kalindi said- Railway neither does itself nor does it allow the state government or the administration to do any work in public interest in the station and surrounding areas. The railway administration is also responsible for the dilapidated condition of the station ROB. He got funds passed for construction of double road from Jugsalai Pigment to Pradeep Mishra Chowk, road behind Parvati Ghat going towards Jugsalai Idgah ground.

At the right time, the Railways put a hurdle in it by not giving NOC. Due to non-construction of double road from Jugsalai Pigment to Pradeep Mishra Chowk, the Railways has created a barrier by placing 10-15 truck sleepers there. In this matter, he will talk to Jugsalai’s Special Officer, SDO and Deputy Commissioner. We will take initiative to find a permanent solution to this problem.

More than one lakh people passing every day

More than one lakh people pass through this route every day. This is the only road in the city on which commuters walk 24 hours a day.

Will talk to DRM and ask for immediate construction: MP

Member of Parliament Vidyut Varan Mahato said that talks have been held several times with General Manager and Chakradharpur DRM in Garden Reach regarding station ROB, second entry gate. The condition of station ROB and landing path has really deteriorated. They will talk to the DRM in this regard, ask them to inspect it themselves, and then start the construction work immediately. Vehicles are getting stuck there, overturning, people are becoming victims of road accidents.

30 percent of back pain patients suffer from slip disc: Dr. Badaik

Dr G S Badaik, former HOD of the Ortho department of MGM Hospital, said that there is no road in the city on which one can drive without fear. Repeatedly crossing potholes on the road can cause many problems due to pressure on the spinal cord. Due to this, people are suffering from many bone related diseases including back pain, slip disc, neck and wrist pain. At the same time, if the spinal cord is affected, the entire health can be affected. He told that 30 percent of the back pain patients coming to the hospital are victims of slipped disc. One cause of slip disc problem is sudden jerk in the waist, which occurs due to potholes on the roads.

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