
The case of witchcraft does not stop in Jharkhand, in Gumla grandson surrenders in the police station after killing grandparents


Gumla, Durjay Paswan: Indranath Oraon, his cousin grandfather Turi Oraon (55 years) and grandmother Nayhari Devi (50 years) were beaten to death with sticks on the allegation of witchcraft in Hadup Risapath village under Bishunpur police station in Gumla district. The incident is of Wednesday afternoon. After this incident, the accused grandson Indranath Oraon surrendered after coming to Bishunpur police station. At the same time, the police has started investigation by sending both the bodies for postmortem.

what is the matter

It was told that on Tuesday night, Indranath had a dream that his grandfather and grandmother were abusing him. Threats are being made to kill Indranath and his mother by using ghosts and witchcraft. After this, on Wednesday afternoon, Indranath caught Dada Turi Oraon in his farm. He was mercilessly beaten with sticks. Due to which he died. There, grandmother Nayhari Devi tried to save her husband, but seeing her husband dying, she ran away from the farm and came to her home. Indranath reached the village running and entered the house and beat grandmother Nayahari Devi to death with a stick. After killing his grandparents, Indranath surrendered at Bishunpur police station.

murder due to land dispute

After the information of the incident, the police reached the village late in the evening. Since Risapath village is a very Naxalite area. Therefore, to recover both the dead bodies and arrest the accused, the police entered Rispath village with full preparation. The police reached the police station after taking possession of the dead bodies of the couple. At the same time, the accused Indranath Oraon, who surrendered after coming to the police station, was arrested. Station in-charge Kundan Kumar said that prima facie the old couple was murdered due to land dispute and superstition. The accused Indranath has been arrested. The police is probing all aspects.

thrashed till death

Turi Oraon and Nayhari Devi were working in the field on Wednesday afternoon. Only then Indranath’s eyes fell on him. He picked up the stick and started beating Turi mercilessly. Seeing this Nayhari Devi ran to save her, then she was also beaten with sticks. until both died. Indranath kept beating both of them with sticks. He was hit several times in the head with a stick.

Arapi grandson said – abused in dream then killed

After killing the old couple, accused Indranath Oraon (18 years) surrendered in the police station. He told the police that his cousin grandparents used to practice witchcraft. Five days ago my mother was made ill by witchcraft. My mother’s life has been saved after the exorcism. But, the couple kept coming in my dreams and threatening to kill me by turning them into ghosts and vampires. Threatened to kill my mother by practicing witchcraft in her dream. Due to which I got scared and decided in my mind that I will kill both of them before killing people. That’s why both were killed on Wednesday.


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