
The bride did a flying kiss in Sambhal, the mother-in-law blew rings of smoke on the stage, the groom called off the wedding

Lucknow : The news of disputes often comes to the fore in marriages. Sometimes the dispute becomes so big that due to which the marriage reaches to break. Although most of the dispute cases are related to dowry. The bride and groom refuse to marry because of dowry, but have you ever heard that due to the antics of the groom’s wife and mother-in-law, the marriage reaches the verge of breaking up.

Yes, a similar case has come to the fore from UP’s Sambhal district, where a groom called off the marriage just because the mother-in-law was drinking and dancing on the floor DJ and the ring of cigarettes was being blown. The bride started giving flying kisses to the people on the stage. The people of the groom’s side allege that the mother and daughter broke the decorum. The baraati got embarrassed by the antics of both. Eventually the groom had to decide to return from the mandap itself. It is being told that the entire dispute took place between Dwarachar to dancing on DJ.

The bride and her mother did this act

A young man living in Sarayatrin of Hayatnagar police station area was married to a girl from Gwana town. According to the schedule fixed on the wedding day, the procession reached the girl’s door. The people of the groom’s side reached the door dancing and singing in happiness. After this the rituals of Dvarachar started. It is alleged that during this time the mother of the bride standing there could not even hold the plate properly. Ignoring this, the program went ahead.

Mother blew rings, daughter gave flying kiss

Meanwhile, the mother of the bride reached to dance on the DJ. Suddenly she lit a cigarette, put it in her mouth and started blowing rings with the smoke. Seeing this scene, the senses of the groom’s side flew away. The matter did not end here. The limit was reached when the bride started giving flying kisses to the people from the stage. Seeing all this, the bridegroom got embarrassed and refused to marry.

The groom’s father alleged that the bride’s mother had drunk alcohol. She was so drunk that she could not even hold the plate. Along with this, he had also borne the expenses on both the sides at the behest of the girl’s parents. He said that after seeing all this, the relationship had to be broken.

tried to persuade the groom

According to the information received, after hearing the decision of the bridegroom, the people of the bride’s side tried hard to persuade the groom and his family members, but the groom did not agree to this marriage. After this, the people of the bride’s side also returned with the bride and it ended even before the marriage took place. At present, this matter remains a topic of discussion in the area.

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