
Tesla sued the Swedish government! Know what is the reason?

in Sweden Tesla Elon Musk-owned Tesla has filed a lawsuit against the Swedish Transport Agency after stopping the delivery of license plates for its cars. According to a CNBC report, Swedish postal workers stopped Tesla license plate deliveries in a show of solidarity with striking workers. Swedish unions have pressured the carmaker with strikes and blockades over the company’s refusal to sign a collective bargaining agreement with workers in the service division, which includes technicians and mechanics who repair and maintain customers’ cars. Are.

Mechanics were put on strike

Union IF Metall put mechanics on strike on October 27, refusing to service Tesla cars because the company would not accept collective bargaining. Members of other unions, including dockworkers, electricians and cleaners, have also joined the strike in a show of solidarity.

This is why Tesla sued the Swedish government

So why did Tesla sue the Swedish government? Tesla claims the Swedish government has a “constitutional obligation to provide vehicle owners with registration plates,” according to the documents. The lawsuit was filed in Norrköping District Court in November. According to a Bloomberg report, it also sued the Postal Service. In its court filing, Tesla called the transportation agency’s decision not to allow license plates to be taken as “an unprecedented attack on a company operating in Sweden.”

Swedish court supports Tesla

However, Tesla has received support from the Swedish court. A court in Sweden has ruled that the country’s transportation authority must find a way for Tesla to obtain license plates that are being blocked by postal workers. The decision came hours after the US electric car maker sued the agency and state-run PostNord after postal workers stopped issuing plates for its new cars. The decision is the latest turn in the fight between Tesla and labor groups in Sweden.

Tesla’s lawyer’s statement

Here, Tesla’s lawyer Johannes Ericsson told Aftonbladet newspaper that ‘it is right that a decision has been taken, which is in favor of Tesla’s claim,’

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