
Tension after the death of Nilesh Mukhiya in Patna, supporters burnt tires for hours, the area turned into a cantonment

After the death of Nilesh Mukhiya, husband of Councilor Suchitra Singh of Ward 22B of Patna, the angry people protested fiercely on Thursday. Supporters blocked the road with placards demanding the arrest of Pappu, Dhappu and Gorakh Rai. There were a large number of women in the demonstration, which was led by Nilesh Mukhiya’s niece. After 12:30 in the afternoon, gradually the crowd of angry people increased. People blocked the road by burning tyres. Bamboo bats were installed at many places. The women came out on the road carrying taba, lachhul and chholni. During this, many common people were also chased away by the crowd. During this, a large number of police forces were also deployed. The police felt that the supporters would leave after the rain in the afternoon, but even after the rain, the supporters remained firm. Not only this, the supporters also stopped the vehicle of Shastri Nagar Police Station President. Vehicles coming from Gandhi Maidan and Danapur had to resort to another route.

Slight scuffle between supporters and police

During the demonstration, there was a slight scuffle between the supporters and the police. On one hand the police were appealing to the supporters to remove the jam, while on the other hand women, children and youths were gheraoing the road with bamboo bats. Seeing this, when the police tried to convince the people, the crowd became furious. Due to this, there was a scuffle between the police and the supporters. The relatives said that Nilesh Mukhiya kept pleading for his life in front of the police, but neither the police administration nor the government did anything for his safety. The result was that he was murdered in broad daylight. The police is trying to save the accused.

Supporters pelting stones at the house of the murder accused

Relatives said: the school should have been closed

As soon as the news of Nilesh’s death was received, all the shops between Sai Mandir and Kurji Mod were closed. Even the P&M mall remained closed. The mall closed form was pasted on the gate and the gate was locked. School children had to face a lot of problems. The relatives said that the school should have been closed. It may be known that during the time when the uproar started, there was a school holiday for Loyla and Don Bosco. Because of this, the police force was deployed near the school, so that there is no problem of any kind. Police barricaded near the school so that no anti-social elements could come towards the school. School vehicles were also not allowed to go towards Kurji Mor.

Vandalism at the house of the accused

The wife fainted as soon as the dead body reached home.

As soon as Nilesh Mukhiya’s dead body reached the Kurji residence, a large crowd of supporters gathered. Councilor’s wife Suchitra Singh fainted after seeing Nilesh’s dead body. At the same time, both son and daughter started crying loudly. The relatives were crying hugging the dead body and were repeatedly saying that if the police had acted on Nilesh’s application in time, all this would not have happened today. Information about security and threat to life was repeatedly given to Digha police station, but despite this the police did not take any action. The son offered fire to Nilesh at the ghat located at JP Setu.

Supporters of the accused ransacked the house

Ravi Shankar Prasad said: State’s law and order stalled

Many leaders arrived in the last journey. BJP MP Ravi Shankar Prasad said that the law and order situation in the state has come to a complete standstill. Till now, the police has neither been able to find out the reason behind the murder nor caught the main accused. While consoling Nilesh’s family in this hour of grief, he said that the entire BJP government is with his family. On the other hand, MP Pappu Yadav also attacked the government after reaching the ghat and the protest site. Said that a person kept pleading for his security in front of the police and he did not get security. He was murdered.

What was the matter and what action was taken

According to the police, Nilesh Yadav alias Nilesh Mukhiya has been murdered because of supremacy, politics and sand games. But on Friday it was discussed among the people that Nilesh did not support Pappu’s sister-in-law Rajni Devi standing on the post of Mayor and supported someone else. That’s why he was on the target of the opponents. On the other hand, talk has also come to the fore regarding sand business, in which Nilesh was caught in the eyes of the opponents of sand business. At present, only two shooters have been arrested in this case.

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