
Tea Side Effect: If you are fond of drinking tea with milk then be careful, this disease can happen

Milk Tea

If you are fond of drinking tea then this news is for you. Actually, people’s day starts with drinking tea. In such a situation, if you are consuming too much tea with milk, then it is important to know these things, otherwise it is very harmful for your body. Let us know the side effects of drinking tea with milk…

Milk Tea

As everyone knows that tea contains caffeine, consuming it in excess can cause flatulence. Consuming too much caffeine can induce anxiety and cause intense restlessness.

Milk Tea

Drinking tea with milk causes constipation. Along with caffeine, tea also contains theophylline, which dehydrates our body and causes constipation.

Milk Tea

Tea with milk contains extra calories, which can increase your weight. Along with this, imbalance and temperature increases in the body, due to which acne and pimples occur.

Milk Tea

Consuming too much milk can cause lactose intolerance, which can cause gas and stomach problems.

Milk Tea

Excessive consumption of milk tea disrupts the sleep cycle and leads to insomnia. Type 2 diabetes, anxiety, insomnia, oily skin and acne, constipation, dehydration, deficiency of vital nutrients may also occur.

Milk Tea

According to experts, excessive consumption of tea causes harm. The risk of increasing blood pressure and heart related problems starts.

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