
Take these health resolutions in the new year, they will keep you healthy throughout the year.

immune system

strengthen immunity

To make the body healthy, the most important thing is to have strong immunity. If immunity remains strong, the risk of falling prey to diseases will be less. It is important to include immunity boosting foods in your diet.


see sunrise every day

We take a common resolution every time that you will leave the bed before sunrise. But this cannot happen. Increase your will power this year and fulfill this resolution. Exposure to sunlight keeps many types of diseases away.


do a workout

Make sure to take time out for workout. Start the day with workout. This will improve blood circulation. Also include yoga in your daily routine. If you are not able to do it daily, then start by doing it 3 days a week.


Control smoking and wine

Smoking and wine cause various types of harm to the body. There is a risk of health damage due to this. If you take smoking and wine, then take it in limited quantity. Consuming them excessively can be quite harmful for your health.

Food Taste Personality Test

don’t skip meals

If you also have the habit of skipping lunch or breakfast or not taking it regularly, then leave it from today itself. Have lunch, breakfast and dinner at regular time otherwise the body will become weak.

fit body

make body fit

It is important to have a fit body for a healthy lifestyle. Your weight should also be in proportion to your height. If not, then start from today itself. Take a resolution that you have to give yourself results in six months.


eat less street food

Reduce the consumption of fast food and street food. This causes many disadvantages. Junk foods are tasty, but they spoil your health in many ways. Keep distance from them in the new year.

protein rich foods

Take a diet rich in nutrition

Consumption of fruits, green vegetables, nuts, millets, seeds, whole grains strengthens the digestive system. Include these in your daily diet.

water in body

drink plenty of water

Water plays an important role in keeping the body fit. Drink at least 3 liters of water a day. There are many benefits of getting the right amount of water to the body.

dry fruits benefits

definitely eat dry fruits

There are many benefits of eating dry fruits. Be sure to eat dry fruits, by eating it many types of enzymes are produced in the body which increases metabolism and also gives strength to the body.

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