
Take the challenge of not drinking tea for a month, you will feel this change

Sip tea as soon as you wake up in the morning, tea before breakfast, give some tea after breakfast, tea inside the office, tea outside the office as well. All the time people are craving for just tea. As important as breathing is for people, it is equally important for them to drink tea. People have got such a craving for tea that if they are not able to drink tea even once in 3 hours, they start getting headache. The addiction to tea is such that no one can live without drinking it even if they want to. Drinking tea is a good thing, but if we start consuming something in excess, then it can cause harm. Yes, drinking excessive tea can harm our body. So try to drink tea only once or twice a day, but if we ask you to stop drinking tea for a month. Of course, you may find this thing a bit absurd, but if you do not drink tea for a month, you will see many changes in yourself. Let us know what is that change.

BP control will be – Drinking tea has a negative effect on blood pressure. If you do not drink tea for a month, then your blood pressure will be under control.

Have a good sleep Stopping drinking tea has a good effect on sleep. Because you consume caffeine through coffee, due to which you do not get sleep. If you stop drinking tea or coffee, then within a week your sleep related problems will go away and your health will also improve.

teeth will be clean Drinking hot beverages like tea or coffee can damage the teeth. The teeth of those who drink more tea can gradually deteriorate. Also, the sugar present in it weakens the teeth. If you stop drinking tea or coffee then within a month you will naturally see the difference in your teeth.

The problem of bad breath will go away. Both tea and coffee dry out your mouth, which reduces salivation. They also have a distinct smell which remains inside the mouth for some time. As a result, you will have bad breath and be at risk of developing further problems. If you stop drinking tea for a month, then this problem of yours will also go away.

It will be easy to digest food – The tea leaves have acidic properties and when they mix with the protein of the food, the protein becomes hard, due to which it is difficult to digest. Metabolism is affected by drinking tea on an empty stomach. Digestion also worsens due to this. Due to slow metabolism, the digestive system does not work properly. If you stop drinking tea, then your digestive problems will end.

Freedom from the problem of dehydration – If you drink tea in excess, then you have to face dehydration. Actually, the caffeine present in milk tea absorbs the body’s water, due to which dehydration occurs. If you stop drinking tea for a month, then you will not have the problem of dehydration. Apart from this, body hormones become unbalanced due to excessive consumption of tea, which causes problems like acne and pimples. So think if you stop drinking tea, then this problem of yours will also go away.

In this way, we told you about the benefits of not drinking tea. Now you have to decide whether you can do the challenge of not drinking tea for one month or not. If you leave then you must have read about the results. Then what is the delay, do try it once.

Disclaimer:The given information is taken from the internet. Before adopting any kind of remedy, do your own investigation and take the advice of experts. BollywoodWallah.com does not confirm any information given.

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