
VIDEO: Big hotels of Delhi become warehouses of weapons, know what is the secret mission

VIDEO: Big hotels of Delhi become warehouses of weapons, know what is the secret mission

The G20 summit to be held on September 9-10 in the country’s capital Delhi will be protected by the Indian Army’s search squad and bomb disposal squad. Security is tight regarding the G-20 summit in Delhi. From commandos to intelligence agencies have also been deployed for the security of all the heads of state coming … Read more

The team of Google and Zorro will protect the guests of G-20 summit, know who they are and what is their job

The team of Google and Zorro will protect the guests of G-20 summit, know who they are and what is their job

Delhi G20 Summit Security Update: This weekend, 20 specially trained security members will be on duty at G20 venues. Karan, Google, Zoro and their colleagues will be equipped with special gadgets including night vision glasses – doggles, walkie talkie. And every time they sniff out hidden explosives or gun down hostage takers, they’ll probably wag … Read more