
World Health Day: Children should take care of health along with studies.

World Health Day 2024

World Health Day: You must have heard quotes like ‘Jaan hai to jahaan hai’, ‘Tandarusti Hazar Niyamat’, ‘Health is Wealth’. Essays would also be written in school using these. Your parents would also often ask you to take care of cleanliness and eat home-cooked food. There are many such habits, by taking care of which … Read more

Only one doctor for every 3 thousand people in Jharkhand

Only one doctor for every 3 thousand people in Jharkhand

Ranchi: There is a huge shortage of health infrastructure as well as doctors in Jharkhand. Jharkhand is still far behind compared to the country. According to the recent report, there is one doctor for 834 people in the country. At the same time, in Jharkhand there is one doctor for 3000 people. Whereas, according to … Read more

World Health Day 2024: Today is World Health Day

World Health Day 2024

World Health Day 2024: World Health Day is celebrated every year on 7 April to draw attention to a particular health topic that affects people around the world. It is also the birthday of the World Health Organization (WHO), which was established in 1948. This year the World Health Body is celebrating its 76th anniversary. … Read more

World Health Day: Know from the doctor how to keep yourself and others healthy

World Health Day

World Health Day: Every year ‘World Health Day’ is celebrated by WHO on 7 April. The main objective of this day is to make people aware about health. On the occasion of World Health Day, various diseases spreading across the world are organized to treat them so that people can become aware of these serious … Read more

Important Days in April 2024: Important dates of the month of April

Important Days in April 2024: Important dates of the month of April

Important Days in April 2024: The month of April is about to start. This month starts with April Fool’s Day, because April 1 is celebrated as Fool’s Day. Apart from this, there are many important dates in April which have importance at national and international level. Know here about important days of April also April … Read more

World Health Day 2023: Step into the healthcare sector with new options

World Health Day 2023: Step into the healthcare sector with new options

[ad_1] World Health Day 2023: The Indian healthcare sector has progressed several notches in the last decade. Recently, the Government of India has signed a loan of 500 million dollars with the World Bank for the development of the country’s health sector. With such important steps, India is moving towards self-sufficiency in the health sector. … Read more

World Health Day 2023: Today is World Health Day, know its theme, history and importance

World Health Day 2023: Today is World Health Day, know its theme, history and importance

[ad_1] World Health Day 2023: Today World Health Day is being celebrated. This special day is celebrated every year on 7th April. On this day in the year 1948, the World Health Organization was established. In simple words, the main purpose of celebrating this day is to improve the health level of the people around … Read more