
From AI Pin to Vision Pro, these products are making waves in the world of technology.

From AI Pin to Vision Pro, these products are making waves in the world of technology.

New Technology: The world of technology is becoming advanced day by day. Technologies are becoming more sophisticated and capable with each passing day. In such a situation, the curiosity to know which new gadgets will come, which new innovation will surprise and impress us and which new technology will become a part of our everyday … Read more

Windows 12: What will be the minimum hardware requirements for a potential Windows 12? Learn

Windows 12: What will be the minimum hardware requirements for a potential Windows 12?  Learn

Windows 12 rollout update: After the debacle over Windows 11 system requirements, the question of how they will change in future versions remains a topic of interest and now, some early details about Windows 12’s system requirements have started to emerge, even before its potential launch. I still have some time left. According to DeskModder, … Read more

Windows 12: These top features can be found in the new Windows OS

Is Windows 11 turning into Windows 12 right before our eyes?

More Customization Options Windows 11 brought a much-needed change in Microsoft’s OS. Rounded corners, a centered taskbar, and updated icons across the board make Windows 11 feel like a much more modern OS. However, in the process Microsoft traded away the customization that Windows is known for. In Windows 12, we’d like to see deeper … Read more

Will the concept of Windows 12 inspire a full redesign?

Will the concept of Windows 12 inspire a full redesign?

A concept video has recently been shared, showing what Windows 12 could look like with some features that many users might like to see on the operating system. The concept video shows Windows 12 with a new dock-like taskbar similar to macOS, with separate sections for widgets, pins, and quick settings. The video explains in … Read more

Is Windows 11 turning into Windows 12 right before our eyes?

Is Windows 11 turning into Windows 12 right before our eyes?

Microsoft hasn’t released the new operating system yet, or even formally announced it, but Microsoft’s September 2023 event made it clear that recent updates to Windows 11 are laying the foundation for the next iteration of the OS . Microsoft focused a significant portion of its presentation on the upcoming AI assistant that is set … Read more

Did Microsoft accidentally leak the next version of Windows, Windows 12?

Did Microsoft accidentally leak the next version of Windows, Windows 12?

Is Microsoft planning to add a large floating search box to Windows? If so, it could work much like Apple’s new Dynamic Island on the iPhone. In fact, we’ve seen a leak for Dynamic Island on Mac. It will take up a lot of usable space, slow down the system with unnecessary animations, and won’t … Read more