
WhatsApp Call Scam: New formula of scammers, read this news

WhatsApp Call Scam: New formula of scammers, read this news

WhatsApp Call Scam: Our life has become easier with the advancement of technology, but scammers are trying to cheat people of huge amount by misusing technology. Every day scammers keep adopting different types of formulas to cheat people. Meanwhile, a new scam is happening with the people in the market. Scammer calling himself CBI Actually, … Read more

If you receive this message on WhatsApp or SMS, do not click on it even by mistake.

If you receive this message on WhatsApp or SMS, do not click on it even by mistake.

Beware of WhatsApp and SMS Trap: Cyber ​​security firm McAfee has recently released its Global Scam Message Study. The report has warned smartphone users and listed 7 dangerous messages which cyber criminals send on SMS or WhatsApp to hack their devices or steal money. The report claims that 82% of Indians have clicked on such … Read more

Be careful about WhatsApp Scam, these methods will help you

Be careful about WhatsApp Scam, these methods will help you

How to identify and Stay Alert from WhatsApp Scam – India is witnessing a steady increase in online scams as cyber scammers are constantly adopting new strategies to defraud internet users, especially those who use WhatsApp. The method of defrauding users on WhatsApp which is more popular these days includes calling the user on WhatsApp … Read more

Pink Whatsapp Scam: New scam in the market, stealing money and personal details, be ALERT like this

Pink Whatsapp Scam: New scam in the market, stealing money and personal details, be ALERT like this

What Is Pink WhatsApp Scam? WhatsApp is one of the most popular apps in the country with millions of active users. This popularity is used by scammers to spread fraud. This is the reason why this instant messenger platform remains a hotspot of fake news and scams for a long time. In this episode, these … Read more