
Shani Sade Sati: What is Shani Sade Sati and Dhaiya, know everything from Astrologer

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Shani Sade Sati: When Shani Dev resides in the 2nd and 12th house of any zodiac sign, then Saturn’s Sadesati starts on that zodiac sign. Similarly, the effect of Sade Sati is of three phases, which are three phases of two and a half years each. In this way the complete duration of Sadesati is … Read more

Due to Shani Dosh, a person’s life becomes painful, know the symptoms and astrological remedies.

Due to Shani Dosh, a person's life becomes painful, know the symptoms and astrological remedies.

Symptoms of Shani Dosh Symptoms of Shani Dosh When Saturn is inauspicious in the horoscope, the person remains immersed in thoughts. The person remains angry due to the negative effects of Saturn. Wisdom is destroyed. There is discord and illness in the house. Symptoms of Shani Dosh Symptoms of Shani Dosh Eyes become weak due … Read more

Lay the foundation of good health without any expense, diseases will go away with old age.

Lay the foundation of good health without any expense, diseases will go away with old age.

Life Style Health Mantra For good health, it is beneficial to stay in the rising sunlight for 10-15 minutes. Walking in fresh air is beneficial for health Life Style Tips Obesity brings with it many diseases due to irregular lifestyle, but health related problems can be avoided by controlling body weight. Healthy Life Style Tips … Read more

Looking for ways to reduce belly fat in winter? So drink these drinks every morning

Looking for ways to reduce belly fat in winter?  So drink these drinks every morning

Morning Drinks For Weight Loss Consuming healthy things in morning routine Obesity can be controlled only if you adopt a very healthy lifestyle and include exercise in your daily routine. Along with this, you can consume some things in your morning routine due to which you will get excellent results in a very short time. … Read more

Shani Dosh: Shanidev will remain in the constellation of Rahu till the year 2024, a big change will be seen in human life.

Shani Dosh: Shanidev will remain in the constellation of Rahu till the year 2024, a big change will be seen in human life.

Shani Dosh: Shani Dev is considered to be the giver of results and the lord of justice. If Saturn is weak then the person suffers financial loss and may have to face disability or serious disease like cancer etc. in an accident. At the same time, due to the inauspicious effect of Saturn in the … Read more

Detox your body after eating sweet and spicy food during Diwali, these foods will help

Detox your body after eating sweet and spicy food during Diwali, these foods will help

Food during festive season Life Style : People’s eating habits change during festive seasons like Diwali. The diet of even people who eat healthy food changes during this period. After the festival is over, we realize that we have indeed gained some weight on our bodies. In such a situation, there is a need to … Read more

Shani Margi 2023: Venus and Saturn will transit before Diwali, good times will start for people of Aries-Taurus and Capricorn zodiac signs.

Shani Margi 2023: Venus and Saturn will transit before Diwali, good times will start for people of Aries-Taurus and Capricorn zodiac signs.

Shani Margi 2023 Auspicious position of Venus and Saturn in horoscope According to astrology, Shanidev gives results to every person according to his deeds. If Venus and Saturn are in an auspicious position in the birth chart of a person, then it can take him from floor to high, whereas on the contrary, an inauspicious … Read more

Before giving up food for weight loss, know many more myths which you blindly believe.

Before giving up food for weight loss, know many more myths which you blindly believe.

LIFE STYLE: Many of us have preconceived notions about many things in our minds. Same is the case with someone’s increased weight. Many people give knowledge about reducing obesity according to their beliefs, but there are many myths in them too. Myth: You should skip meals to lose weight Weight loss myths fact: Skipping meals … Read more

Health Care: Cucumber is a treasure trove of nutritional properties, if you eat it daily you will get these benefits.

Health Care: Cucumber is a treasure trove of nutritional properties, if you eat it daily you will get these benefits.

Benefits of eating cucumber About 300 grams of cucumber contains 45 grams of calories, fat – 0, carbohydrate 11 grams, protein 2 grams, fiber 2 grams, Vitamin C – 14 percent of RDI, Vitamin K – 62 percent, Magnesium – 10 percent, Potassium – 13 percent and Manganese – It is 12 percent of RDI. … Read more