
There should be a fresh discussion on water crisis.

Jharkhand: Chief Secretary gave instructions, now there will be no shortage of water in summer

Now there is no room for debate as the water crisis is continuously increasing in the country. This has become the biggest problem in Bengaluru, which is called the Silicon City of India and a situation has arisen there exactly like the one in Copenhagen, where water was sold in ratio. Actually, we never developed … Read more

Jharkhand: Jalminar made from Panchayat fund, now villagers will not wander for drinking water

Jharkhand: Jalminar made from Panchayat fund, now villagers will not wander for drinking water

Lalpania (Bokaro), Nageshwar : In a tribal-dominated village of Bokaro district, the initiative of the chief paid off and the life of the people there became much easier. The name of the village is Baljobra, which is in Chatrochti Panchayat of Gomiya Block. In fact, there was acute shortage of water in Baljobra village, people … Read more

There is not a single chapakal in this village of West Singhbhum, 140 families are quenching their thirst with contaminated water

There is not a single chapakal in this village of West Singhbhum, 140 families are quenching their thirst with contaminated water

West Singhbhum, (Bandgaon) Anil Tiwari : Jharkhand government is spending crores of rupees to provide water to every house, but even today people of remote areas are quenching their thirst with contaminated water by digging pits. About 140 families living in Kudapi Saparmagtu Tola of Burunalita village under Nalita Panchayat of Chakradharpur block are wandering … Read more

People yearning for water in large area of ​​Harmu, solution is not available

EXCLUSIVE: Water crisis may come in Bihar in 2050, availability of surface water decreasing due to changing rain pattern

Ranchi, Rajkumar. People are yearning for water in Karam Chowk, Vidya Nagar, Krishna Nagar, Ganga Nagar, Yamuna Nagar, Carpenter Mohalla, Chala Nagar, Murla Pahar and other areas located in ward number 34 of Harmu. Water problem is not new in this area. Here the problem of water starts after Holi, which remains intact till half … Read more

The plan to provide water from house to house in the locality hangs in the summer, Ramgarh Municipal Council had made a scheme of more than 7 crores

The plan to provide water from house to house in the locality hangs in the summer, Ramgarh Municipal Council had made a scheme of more than 7 crores

[ad_1] Ramgarh, Neeraj Amitabh. The ambitious plan to provide drinking water to every household in the localities of Ramgarh Municipal Council has been suspended, whereas through this scheme, a plan was made to provide drinking water to homes in the summer of this year. So that people do not face shortage of water in summer. … Read more

Heat wave in Bihar: Ground water level dropped up to 13 feet in 12 districts including Patna, increased monitoring

[ad_1] According to PHED officials, there has been a decline in the ground water level as compared to 2022, but the government considers 2019 as the standard. Because at that time water crisis was seen in most of the districts in Bihar. In 2019, Hilsa recorded 44 ft 5 in, Gaya 38 ft 6 in, … Read more