
It is important to maintain normal level of Vitamin B12, deficiency breaks the body.

It is important to maintain normal level of Vitamin B12, deficiency breaks the body.

Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that plays an important role in many bodily functions, including red blood cell formation, neurological health and DNA development. Deficiency of this essential vitamin can have many harmful effects on the body. A primary consequence of its deficiency is anemia, as B12 is essential for the production of red … Read more

Do you also get more sleep than required? Know due to which deficiency in the body this happens

Not getting enough sleep can spoil your relationship, know how

Sleeping excessive sleepiness Sleeping is a very good thing. One who gets sleep has very good health. There are some people who get more sleep and also there are some people who do not sleep at all. Let us know why this happens. Sleeping Children vitamin deficiency If you feel very sleepy and feel like … Read more

Headache and fatigue can be signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency, know the symptoms and remedies.

Headache and fatigue can be signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency, know the symptoms and remedies.

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms Vitamin B12 deficiency Symptoms: Talking about the symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency in the body, it includes yellow skin, headache, depression, stomach problems, pain in the mouth. To protect our health, we all should eat a balanced diet, but sometimes this is not possible due to careless lifestyle, hence many diseases … Read more

Do you often have tingling in hands and feet? Understand the signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency

Do you often have tingling in hands and feet?  Understand the signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency

Health Care: It is necessary for our body to be healthy for our good health. Vitamins and nutrients are needed for our body to function properly, but if there is a deficiency of some vitamins in our body, then it can become a major reason for the health complications of the person. similar case Vitamin … Read more