
Pitripaksha 2023: Bhishma Pitamah had also offered Pinda in Vishnupad, know what is the whole story..

On the second date of Pitru Paksha, the method of offering Pind Daan-Tarpan in North-South Manas, know the date wise Shraddha places in Gaya.

Pitru Shraddha Vidhan-Panchami Tithi: Ashwins, who perform three-party Shraddha, first perform Shraddha in Vishnupad on Krishna Paksha Panchami Tithi i.e. the sixth day of Pitripaksha. When Bhishma Pitamah Gayaji came to perform Shraddha and after meditating his ancestors, got ready to offer Pinda, similarly his father Shantanu lost both his hands. Instead of giving a … Read more

Gayaji and Vishnupad Temple, the land of faith and salvation, one gets salvation by offering Pind Daan here, know who started it?

Gayaji and Vishnupad Temple, the land of faith and salvation, one gets salvation by offering Pind Daan here, know who started it?

Gayaji Tirtha of Bihar is also called the place of salvation of ancestors. The importance of Gayaji is described in many religious texts including Garuda Purana, Padma Purana, Kurma Purana, Vayu Purana, Naradiya Purana. By performing Shraddha and offering Pind Daan in Gayaji, a person gets freedom from birth after birth. He does not have … Read more