
Health Care: Along with reducing obesity, stomach diseases will go away, water of this seed on an empty stomach is like nectar.

Health Care: Along with reducing obesity, stomach diseases will go away, water of this seed on an empty stomach is like nectar.

Benefits of Basil Seeds Water basil seed water There is a Tulsi plant in every house in Indian families. You know about the importance of its medicinal and spiritual properties. But perhaps very few people know that drinking basil seed water daily on an empty stomach has amazing health benefits. Great help in weight loss … Read more

While keeping the Tulsi plant at home, pay attention to these things, otherwise it may cause harm.

While keeping the Tulsi plant at home, pay attention to these things, otherwise it may cause harm.

Tulsi Plant Vastu Tips Rules for planting basil plant Everyone knows about the benefits of keeping a Tulsi plant at home but very few people know the rules related to it. Tulsi Plant Vastu Tips Tulsi is a natural air purifier Along with spiritual importance, Tulsi plant also acts as a natural air purifier. This … Read more

Is the basil plant in the house drying up? Try these tips to make it green again

Is the basil plant in the house drying up?  Try these tips to make it green again

Tulsi has great importance in Hindu religion. Apart from its religious significance, it is considered effective against many health problems. In medical science, Tulsi is given the status of a medicine and it is also used. Tulsi is the cheapest plant yet it dries up in many homes. There are many reasons due to which … Read more

Dhanteras 2023: By doing these remedies related to Tulsi on the day of Dhanteras, you will become rich.

Dhanteras 2023: By doing these remedies related to Tulsi on the day of Dhanteras, you will become rich.

Tulsi Or Basil Plant When is Dhanteras? Dhanteras is a festival celebrated on Trayodashi date of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month. This festival is considered important for attainment of wealth and prosperity. On this day, many people do various works related to the Tulsi plant by which they wish for their wealth and happy life. … Read more

Life Style: The basil in your courtyard will not dry up, this fertilizer will bring back greenery within 10 days.

Life Style: The basil in your courtyard will not dry up, this fertilizer will bring back greenery within 10 days.

This fertilizer will restore the greenery of Tulsi The spiritual importance of the Tulsi plant. It also has equal Ayurvedic importance. It is also used in many medicines. Apart from this, it has amazing benefits in many diseases be it cold, cough or other problems. This fertilizer will restore the greenery of Tulsi Tulsi has … Read more

Mosquito Plant: If you are troubled by mosquitoes, then plant these plants in your homes; won’t even come close

Mosquito Plant: If you are troubled by mosquitoes, then plant these plants in your homes;  won't even come close

mosquito Mosquito bites can cause diseases like dengue and malaria. The number of mosquitoes increases especially in winter. In such a situation, to protect yourself from mosquitoes, you can plant some plants in all four corners of your house, so that mosquitoes will not come into your house. Lemon Grass Lemon grass is used for … Read more

Health Care: Consuming basil leaves relieves tension, will also help in weight loss

Health Care: Consuming basil leaves relieves tension, will also help in weight loss

Health benefits of Tulsi Health Care: Tulsi contains vitamins A, C and K, as well as minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. It contains sufficient amount of protein and fiber. Tulsi leaves are a natural way of treating and preventing many types of diseases. Health benefits of Tulsi Tulsi is a natural herb … Read more