
Health Study: Grinding teeth is not always a bad thing, know what is bruxism

Health Study: Grinding teeth is not always a bad thing, know what is bruxism

Health Study: bruxism, whether we are affected by it or not, we all know what this behavior basically means: clenching or grinding one’s teeth. But, in recent years, this concept has changed and is now classified into two distinct forms: sleep bruxism and awake bruxism and they can be seen as two separate phenomena although … Read more

250 new dengue infected patients found in Bihar, 226 people are undergoing treatment in various hospitals.

38 new dengue patients found in Patna in 24 hours, figure reaches 298

Patna. The number of dengue patients is increasing every day in Bihar. During the last 24 hours, the Health Department has received reports of 250 new dengue patients in the state. With this, the number of dengue victims has increased to 1582 this year. This includes 1307 new patients in the month of September. During … Read more

Doctor Advice: How to get rid of shoulder stiffness, know the remedy from the doctor

Doctor Advice: How to get rid of shoulder stiffness, know the remedy from the doctor

Doctor Advice : While running, a person is running with time, but something is being left behind in it, that is his health. The neglect of which is giving rise to many health problems. Sometimes they ignore it, but when the pain becomes unbearable, then it is understood that how complex the problem has become. … Read more

Why suddenly the shoulder gets stiff, know the symptoms, causes and remedies

Why suddenly the shoulder gets stiff, know the symptoms, causes and remedies

frozen shoulder Frozen Shoulder: Everyday increasing pressure of work and lack of running i.e. irregular lifestyle invites many diseases. Sitting at one place and working for many hours is also injurious to health. Due to which many times pain is also experienced in the body parts. Are you also troubled by the problem of stiffness … Read more

Health Tips: Are you always confused, know the symptoms of which disease

Health Tips: Are you always confused, know the symptoms of which disease

Health Tips: There are many people who live in a state of confusion throughout the day. They don’t understand what should they finally decide? Many people ignore it as normal but it is worth noting that why there is such a mental condition. Actually being confused throughout the day is a kind of disease called … Read more

What should be done in case of heat stroke? Know from the doctor about the important advice about clothes and cream during the scorching heat

What should be done in case of heat stroke?  Know from the doctor about the important advice about clothes and cream during the scorching heat

These days there is an outbreak of severe heat in many states including Bihar. For the last few days, the temperature in Bihar has crossed 44 degrees. At the same time, the Meteorological Department has expressed the possibility of heat wave at night as well. Dozens of people have fallen ill due to the severe … Read more

UP News: Doctors of SGPGI join the girl’s hand separated from her shoulder, complicated operation lasted for four hours

UP News: Doctors of SGPGI join the girl's hand separated from her shoulder, complicated operation lasted for four hours

[ad_1] Lucknow. Doctors at the Department of Plastic Surgery, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, saved a 10-year-old girl from becoming handicapped. After a complicated operation, the severed hand was reattached from the shoulder. A 10-year-old girl’s hand got stuck in an oil expeller machine and got severed. The right hand of a … Read more