
How To: How will Indian farmers earn bumper income from ethanol and become energy providers from Annadata?

How To: How will Indian farmers earn bumper income from ethanol and become energy providers from Annadata?

New Delhi : Due to the increase in demand for ethanol as vehicle fuel in India, farmers here are expected to earn bumper income. With this, Indian farmers will transform from being food providers to energy providers or even power providers. In fact, on Tuesday, Japanese car manufacturer Toyota Motors launched the world’s first car … Read more

Sugarcane crushing remained better even after seasonal disaster in Bihar, sugar production will increase

Sugarcane crushing remained better even after seasonal disaster in Bihar, sugar production will increase

[ad_1] In the sugarcane crushing season 2022-23 in Bihar, about 30% more crushing has taken place as compared to the previous season. The production of sugar is also likely to be higher than the last few years. In the session of the year 2022-23, 6.63 crore quintals of sugarcane has been crushed. In the previous … Read more