
HEALTH CARE: Do you have the habit of drinking tea with milk, know its side effects

HEALTH CARE: Do you have the habit of drinking tea with milk, know its side effects

Disadvantages of milk tea Constipation: Excessive consumption of milk tea can dry out and dehydrate the body, which can have serious constipation-causing effects. Constipation can cause stomach problems, causing stomach pain and poor digestion. Disadvantages of milk tea Anxiety: Excessive consumption of milk tea can increase anxiety. Caffeine and other stimulants present in tea can … Read more

Health Care: Where does the pain occur in the stomach? These places tell about your health

Health Care: Where does the pain occur in the stomach?  These places tell about your health

Health Care: There can be many reasons which can cause pain at different places in the stomach. Unhealthy diet, too much food and certain medications can cause ulcers, gallstones and heartburn. Therefore, whenever there is stomach ache, it is important to find out its cause and take necessary measures immediately. A healthy lifestyle brings complete … Read more

PHOTOS: Troubled by burning sensation in the stomach after eating anything, know the reason and solution.

PHOTOS: Troubled by burning sensation in the stomach after eating anything, know the reason and solution.

acid reflux Acid reflux : Whenever we eat something, if there is a burning sensation in the stomach, then one of the primary reasons behind it is acid reflux. Also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Also called. When the lower esophageal sphincter becomes weak or slack, stomach acid can flow back into the esophagus, … Read more