
Humanity put to shame in Aligarh: Makes wife lick fake utensils, has relations with daughter, accused husband arrested

Humanity put to shame in Aligarh: Makes wife lick fake utensils, has relations with daughter, accused husband arrested

Aligarh News: The police has arrested the husband who brutally assaulted his wife and minor daughter in Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh. The husband is accused of making his wife lick false utensils. He treats his wife very brutally and beats her with a belt. Along with this, the accused has been raping his 15 … Read more

Murderous sister-in-law: To take revenge from her in-laws, she killed her 5-year-old brother-in-law, called her garbage and got her children to dispose of the dead body.

Murderous sister-in-law: To take revenge from her in-laws, she killed her 5-year-old brother-in-law, called her garbage and got her children to dispose of the dead body.

Aligarh: Due to family conflict in Aligarh, sister-in-law killed her five-year-old brother-in-law and threw him in a well. When the brother-in-law was searched, his body was found lying in the well. Police reached the spot after receiving the information and removed the body and sent it for post-mortem. The same accused sister-in-law has been arrested … Read more