
Online Gaming: Government strict on online betting

Online Gaming: Government strict on online betting

Online Gaming: The government has issued an advisory against betting and gambling. Social media influencers have been cautioned against promoting online betting and gambling platforms. Advisory has been issued regarding ban on advertising, promotion and support of illegal activities including betting and gambling. The government has warned social media influencers against promoting online betting and … Read more

Influencers are advertising on social media, earning from food to fashion endorsement

Influencers are advertising on social media, earning from food to fashion endorsement

social media influencers endorsements earning – Five years ago no one would have thought that such a time would also come when you would do a lot while doing nothing and earn money too. Whether it is about travel, food or fashion, big companies of India and abroad are giving money to such people, who … Read more

Influencers with so many followers will now be considered celebrities, know who changed the definition

Influencers with so many followers will now be considered celebrities, know who changed the definition

ASCI Guidelines: The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), the self-regulatory body of the advertising industry, has broadened the definition of celebrity. Under this, ‘influencers’ with more than five lakh followers and annual income of more than Rs 40 lakh will be considered celebrities for advertisements. People who influence the thoughts of viewers or listeners … Read more

Through social media influencers, the government will convey the message to the public, read the full news

Through social media influencers, the government will convey the message to the public, read the full news

Piyush Goyal Met Top YouTubers of India : The era is of social media. It has become the biggest platform to convey its message to the masses. The government also knows and understands this. That’s why she also takes the help of social media to take her words and plans to every nook and corner … Read more