
Even after 23 years, people of Ranchi are forced to walk on dilapidated roads, accidents keep happening every day.

Even after 23 years, people of Ranchi are forced to walk on dilapidated roads, accidents keep happening every day.

Ranchi: It has been 23 years since the formation of Jharkhand state, but even today there are no good roads in the capital Ranchi. Be it the main roads of the city or the streets, everywhere people are forced to walk hesitantly. Whereas, officers and VVIPs pass through the major cities of the city every … Read more

Ranchi: The condition of Kokar-RIMS road is bad, it is difficult for people to pass due to potholes.

Ranchi: The condition of Kokar-RIMS road is bad, it is difficult for people to pass due to potholes.

Ranchi: The condition of Kokar-RIMS Road is very bad, where it is full of difficulties for the people to pass through it. Most of the potholes on the road are in front of RIMS Pond. Many dangerous potholes have formed on the road here. Water remains stagnant most of the year. The water accumulated there … Read more

Ranchi: Potholes on the roads are becoming the cause of accidents, two-wheeler drivers have fallen many times.

Ranchi: Potholes on the roads are becoming the cause of accidents, two-wheeler drivers have fallen many times.

The population of the capital has doubled in the last 20 years. Along with this, the pressure of vehicles on the roads has also increased. In such a situation, it has become necessary to keep the roads in good condition so that accidents are reduced. But due to the dangerous potholes present in the main … Read more

As soon as the monsoon arrives, the roads of Ranchi are exposed, as soon as it rains, the situation of water logging

As soon as the monsoon arrives, the roads of Ranchi are exposed, as soon as it rains, the situation of water logging

It did not rain that the capital became waterlogged. Scenes of water logging on roads and vehicles getting stuck in water have become common. Waterlogging has started on the roads of the capital after heavy rains on the second day. There is no drainage system in many important roads. In such a situation, water remained … Read more